Chapter 2

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Chapter 2: Stop Blackening

Translator: Storm in a Teacup

However, Ke Ruan was only 15 years old, and there was only one prince in the Red Flame Country besides a princess. Ke Ruan's father was so spoony a man that he only had one woman his entire life, and that was Ke Ruan's mother. The ministers tried hard to persuade him to take more concubines, but he rejected them all. 

Therefore, no one dared to say anything about Ke Ruan's behavior in the Red Flame Country. Despite his arrogance and dislike for books, he was so obsessed with martial arts and became very good at it at this young age, which made him pretty satisfied. Being in such a turbulent times, no one dared to go outside without knowing a thing or two about martial arts. 

There's a difference between a dungeon and an ordinary cell. And Ke Ruan was cruel enough to put Si Yuhan into the dungeon where there was nothing but darkness, rats and convicted felons.

The guards at the door saw Ke Ruan coming and hurriedly kneeled down. The princess was not a character to be messed with. "Your Highness," he said. 

Ke Ruan asked them to get up. "Where is Si Yuhan? Show me the way." 

"Yes! Your Highness."

Ke Ruan glanced at the guard walking forward with his head down. "Has anyone ever come to see Si Yuhan?" he asked, hoping for a negavie answer. 

The guard shook his body and said, "A few hours ago, two eunuchs said they came to see him under your command."

Si Yuhan and the prince didn't get along. They knew it, so they didn't stop them.

Ke Ruan almost slipped and fell over. Shit! "Let's go! Quickly!" he said in panic. 

Hope it was not too late. This was ought to be the turning point of Si Yuhan's becoming scheming. After this, he would became totally evil. He would endure all the humiliation and go back to his own country, get the throne and conquer the world. He would get  complete revenge to those who have tortured him, which of course, included Ke Ruan.

It was almost too late. God bless. God bless.

Naturally, the dungeon was built under the ground. Because it was Ke Ruan's order, the guard walked very fast. Ke Ruan followed him through a series of zigzags and then came downstairs to the underground. It was hard for the eyes to get used to the darkness all of the sudden. He narrowed his eyes and saw a few candles on both sides of the dungeon. It was dim and creepy. 

"Hold him down quickly!"

There came a high squeaky voice. Ke Ruan knew immediately that it was the eunuches. He followed the voice and knocked over the guard regardless of his high position. 

The man in Tsing Yi frowned and quickened his pace to keep up.

Ke Ruan rushed to the outside and saw the eunuchs having their hands all over Si Yuhan. Si Yuhan, a seven year old boy, was, of course, no match for them. He was covered in bruises and mud with his messy hair. 

"Stop!" Ke Ruan shouted.

The two eunuchs saw Ke Ruan and came forward hurriedly with big smiles on their faces. "Your highness. This place is too dirty for you to come. I can assure you that we will take good care of him. If you want to see him being tortured, I will make sure that the painters present the drawing to you."

Ke Ruan gasped in fear. Goddamn it! Were they trying to get him killed?

He walked into the dungeon. "Get lost!" he said coldly. 

"Your Highness. Do you want to do it yourself?"one of the eunuch said.

Ke Ruan would do anything just to make him stop. "Shut up!" he said angrily. 

The eunuch finally lowered his head and stopped talking.

Ke Ruan walked to Si Yuhan. Their eyes met, which gave Ke Ruan a chill. Si Yuhan looked at him in a weird way as if he was already dead.

There was no fine skin on Si Yuhan's body. The remaining clothes could only cover the important part. Ke Ruan pulled off his own belt, took off his coat and put it on his body.

Si Yuhan's was stunned for a moment. Before he could realize what had happened, he fell into a big warm embrace from Ke Ruan, who sounded really desperate. "Don't worry. I'll take you out. It's fine. Everything's gonna be fine..."

Si Yuhan was only a seven-year-old boy. Ke Ruan, however, had been practicing martial arts every day. So it was easy for Ke Ruan to hold Si Yuhan in his arms. They strode out of the dungeon.

Hurriedly walking, Ke Ruan didn't see that the person in his arms was wearing a devil expression mixed with a glint of mockery and arrogance. 

The day when Ke Ruan was defeated and vanished into nothing was the day Si Yuhan eliminated all of his enemies. On that day, he would unify the world, get the revenge he always wanted, punish his enemies ten times harder and enjoy the long-lost relief. 

Been waiting for so many years, he could finally have a good sleep. For this day to come, he made all the set-ups, killed his brother and his father until there was finally no threat anymore. 

But he didn't expect to see his worst nightmare come true. He came back to this again. He felt useless letting those two eunuchs cause a life-long scar for him. Did I have to go through this again? He couldn't accept this. 

What's worse, it was Ke Ruan who came to save him. Was he reborn too? Ke Ruan must know what he would do to him... that he would kill him. But...

Shouldn't Ke Ruan just kill him instead of running away like this regardless of his own image?

Ke Ruan carried him to his palace. "Go get Doctor Xuan for me. Hurry! Prepare some hot water and some clothes."

He carefully placed Si Yuhan on his bed, not caring about Si Yuhan's filthy body contaminating his clean bed. As a doctor, Si Yuhan's experience almost made him burst in tears. He was only a child! Ke Ruan was such an animal!

As soon as his hand touched Si Yuhan's clothes, Si Yuhan grabbed him by the wrist. Ke Ruan's bright yellow clothes had already changed into black and now his wrist got a circle of blackness too. 

Si Yuhan looked at him coldly. His eyes were filled with hatred.

Ke Ruan understood that the child was hostile to him. But still, he patted him gently on Si Yuhan's hand. "Calm down. It'll be alright. It'll be quick. Trust me."

Si Yuhan raised his eyebrows and let go of him. He didn't know what Ke Ruan was going to do to him, so he decided to wait and see. 

Ke Ruan skillfully removed his clothes, then gently wiped away the dirt on his body with a handkerchief. Si Yuhan was covered all over with cuts and bruises. 

After cleaning Si Yuhan's face, Ke Ruan could finally see him clearly.

Si Yuhan's eyes were so beautiful like the summer lake. Long, thick, curly eyelashes. Fair skin with a little baby fat. Pink soft lips. 

Full of spirituality.

What a lovely child! Ke Ruan once again scolded the original owner of this body, who was such an animal that he could hurt a pretty little boy like this. 

After treating Si Yuhan briefly, Ke Ruan found that the clothes brought by the maid belonged to himself. It was too big for Si Yuhan. " What I want is something for him to wear," he said.

The maid went down on her knees trembling. "Your Highness. This is my fault. I'll go prepare right now. Please don't punish me. "

Ke Ruan frowned. They were all afraid of him so badly. "Go." he said softly. 

The royal doctor was coming. Ke Ruan came to Si Yuhan with his own clothes. "Would you mind wearing this for now? They'll bring you your clothes here soon."

Si Yuhan nodded. The chill in his eys were gone. 


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