Chapter 15

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'I love this family'
(TW// slurs, blood mentions and self-harm)

'Hey tranny'

'You should be in the kitchen'


'You'll never be real a boy'

'You'll always be a girl'

That, that is what I've been dealing with for the past few months in this godforsaken school.

A group of boys put two and two together when they heard the teacher call me Tommy instead of Teagan, and now they won't leave me alone.

I haven't told Techno or Wilbur yet because I don't want them to make a big scene, I feel as though that would only make things worse.

But every day for 3 months I have been shoved, misgendered, deadnamed, punched, etc.

'I fucking hate it here'

"Hey faggot, the girls' bathroom is over there," someone said shoving me.

I turn around and I'm met with a boy a bit taller than me, Johnny, and 2 other boys behind him.

See, 4 boys have been on my ass about this whole thing, Tony, Allen, Kory, and the leader of them all, Johnny.

"Leave me alone Johnny" I spit

He rolls his eyes and snatches my beanie

"I'm not in the mood for your shit today," I say through gritted teeth.

'I really am not in the mood for his shit'

"Or what, you gonna cry little girl, gonna cry to mommy, oh wait" he sneers, making the two boys behind him laugh.

"Stop being such a bitch, give. Me. My. Beanie" I retort

"Hmm I don't think I want to, you know my kid sisters birthday is coming up, I might give it to her instead," he says, toying with me.

"Look I don't want any problems, just give me my beanie so I can go" I sigh

"No I don't think I will because you, a female, are less than me, you are just a weak and fragile little bitch, all you are good for is cooking and having children and honestly-" he says, getting in my face.

"I don't even think you could do that, worthless bitch" he spits.

'Right, I've had enough'

I punch his Adam's apple and snatch my beanie out of his hand, I turn to run away but before I can my arm is grabbed by one of his lapdogs, Kory.

"LET ME GO YOU TWAT!" I yell and struggle against him

My hands are bound behind my back as Johnny and the other guy, Allen, recover and make their way towards me.

"You're gonna regret that tranny" he yells

My eyes widen as Johnny gets in my face and yells insults at me while Allen comes behind me and covers my mouth, before I have any time to react I'm stuck in the gut by Johnny.

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