Part 10

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(TW: Reality not making sense i guess, IDK what its called OOF, Drowning)

Ranboo woke up with a start. It was dark. He felt that his mask wasn't on and he groped around in the dark for it. Lights came on. He winced, blinking. He looked around and saw that he was in a completely white room. He stood up and went around, looking for a door or opening of some kind. But he was trapped.

"Stop doubting yourself." Schlatt's thick voice came from behind him and turned around, seeing Schlatt standing there. His cheeks were stained with tears. Suddenly he ran up and grabbed Ranboo's suit. Ranboo looked around frantically, but when his eyes came back to Schlatt, it wasn't Schlatt. Tommy was there, gripping his suit.

"WHY DON'T THEY LET TUBBO OUT?!" He screamed, making Ranboo back up. Ranboo saw a large yellow flower swaying in a breeze he couldn't feel in the corner of his eye. He saw that there was grass around it, but then it faded away with the flower, leaving golden honey in its place. The honey spread and Ranboo ran to a corner, but the walls blocked him in, and the honey enveloped his feet.

Ranboo started sinking. He gasped and looked around for something to grab onto, but he couldn't see anything, the honey closing around him. After a few seconds of being in the sticky honey, it disappeared, letting him fall into a dark abyss. He yelled but heard nothing.

Ranboo landed hard on a familiar surface. He grunted, getting up and looking around. Large black pillars were all around him, humming in rhythm. He heard wingbeats in the air and looked up to see the Enderdragon, flying above him. Her Majesty's face was contorted in a face of disgust and disappointment.

Then his vision went red and piglins from out of nowhere started attacking him and he ran. Ranboo ran and ran, his legs starting to give out. He saw the edge of a cliff and slid to a stop, but the piglins pushed him off, sending him tumbling through the air, towards the lava below him. But before he hit the liquid, it turned a light blue and he was swimming in water. Ranboo screamed even though no pain came upon him. He floated there, panicking.

He looked to his side and saw Niki swimming, but Ranboo remembered that he couldn't swim. He started to sink and his head went underwater, Niki trying to grab him unsuccessfully. But then her face turned mean and she swam away, leaving Ranboo. His lungs started to burst and he gasped for air, sucking in more water, and his vision gave way, leaving him in darkness again.


Dr. Soot walked away from the screen showing SCP-51477. He had seen its reaction to going inside SCP-4480's mind, and it was interesting. He had never seen the SCP cry like that, and he wondered what was going inside SCP-4480's head. Dr. Soot grabbed his half-eaten muffin and took a bite. Suddenly a yell came from the right of him and he jumped, almost choking on the muffin. He looked at the screen that the shout came from.

"Speak of the devil." He said through muffled chewing.

Dr. Soot looked at the screen showing SCP-4480's containment cell. The SCP had been the one that had made the yell, now fully awake and slightly shaking.

Must have been dreaming.

He walked over to the desk in the back of the room and sat down in the gray chair. He opened one of the drawers, took out a pen, and took the charts paper he worked on. As he closed the drawer, he heard a shuffle of paper in the drawer. Dr. Soot paused then opened the drawer back up. He moved the unorganized items until he saw the glossy paper that had been hidden. He slowly pulled it out and brushed the dust off it.

It was a vertical picture of Agent Phil, along with a small boy who was laughing. Phil was wearing his green and grey robe and bucket hat. The boy was wearing a yellow long-sleeved shirt, with a red-brown beanie. Phil looked younger and more alive. Dr. Soot brushed his finger over a slight empty part next to Phil and behind the boy. He found himself about to cry and he cleared his throat, blinking, and quickly put the picture back into the drawer. He pushed his glasses further up his nose and grabbed the pen tightly, scribbling stuff down on the chart paper.


Schlatt woke up with a jump. His vision was blocked by the blindfold and he grunted as he struggled in the ropes that held him to the chair. He sighed, cursed. His tail swayed back and forth. He knew Agent Niki would be back to check on him. Ranboo was probably in his own cell, either asleep or very confused about what had happened with Schlatt.

Schlatt heard the small footsteps coming through behind the door and he heard the metal scrape against the door frame, opening. He waited for the door to close before speaking.

"Hello, Niki."

She didn't respond and her footsteps were firmer than normal as she walked to the extension room.

"Something troubling you?" He asked, partially to annoy her.

She still didn't respond and he heard buttons being pressed in the other room. Her breathing was a bit off.

"Oh, okay. Thanks for telling me!" He rolled his eyes. He paused. "Is that Ranboo alright?" Schlatt surprised himself, the words just blurted out of his mouth.

Niki's feet shuffled, surprised as well.

"He's okay." Her voice was a little tight.

For some reason, he had been holding his breath. He shook his head. The memories from Ranboo were still lingering in his mind like a fog. He couldn't understand some of them, like the ones about an Enderdragon? Or the Nether? It was confusing. But the memories Schlatt did understand were still slightly piercing his heart. He felt bad for Ranboo and what he'd been through. No one else's memories he'd seen had made him cry like that, and Schlatt's pride was a little off-balance now.

"Niki, what's bothering you? You can tell me. I won't tell no one." He sat up. He could tell she was hesitating.

"And you promise you won't tell anyone?"

"Yes. My word is as good as this blindfold."

"Well, last I remember, that blindfold was taken off."

"Hey, it's not my fault that I want to see new SCPs. I also wanted to stretch. You people never let me move."

There was another pause.

"It's just that. . ." Niki's footsteps went over to a wall and stopped. He guessed she was glancing at the cameras. Then her footsteps came towards him. She stopped a foot away from behind him. His ears flicked back as she half whispered, half talked to him.

"I- I have to..." She was obviously struggling to say what she was thinking about. Schlatt tapped his tail on the floor impatiently. He cleared his throat to get her attention. It worked, her feet shuffling, her hands rubbing together.

"I have to get something to. . .taze. . .Ranboo. ....with." Niki's voice was tight again.

"What?!" Schlatt's tail flicked furiously. "Who said? Who said so?"

"Dr. Soot."

Schlatt cursed. "What the hell! That maniac. Why?"

"He said it's because Ranboo makes too many mistakes. And he said if I don't get it, Ranboo won't be let out again."

Schlatt was silent. Niki was silent.

Niki sighed, going back to the extension room. She was mumbling to herself.

"Niki," Schlatt said quietly, turning his head towards the one-way glass. "Just ask Ranboo. Let him decide. He could decide to have the taze thing and he would try his best to not make mistakes anymore, so you wouldn't have to use it. Or he could not want the taze thing and just stay in his cell."

Niki was quiet again, now walking over to the cell door.

"Alright then. And remember," She said the second part more quietly. "Don't tell anyone about this."

Schlatt smiled. "About what?"

Niki snorted then went out, leaving Schlatt alone again.


SCP-4480 // A Ranboo SCP AUWhere stories live. Discover now