3 - So Sorry

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I wake up surrounded by the scent of Braxton and about a-million-and-one scented, red-and-white stickers.

Holy shit. I will never again allow Cinda to talk me into scrapbooking again. What a thankless, horrible, soul-eating task. My head swims as I sit up. I feel cold. Braxton must have left about an hour ago, taking his warmth with him. I slept like a baby on his chest. He's just so damn cozy.

I stumble to my attached bathroom and gasp in horror. My short, thin, hair is sticking straight up on the left side of my head. My makeup from last night is smeared all over my oily, gross face. Best of all, one of Cinda's bright-red heart stickers, this one in the shape of lips, is right smack dab in the center of my forehead. I didn't sleep on Braxton like a baby, I passed out on his chest like a black-out drunk.

I yank the sticker off with a grimace. I bet Braxton did it on purpose. It fits his m.o. I'll get him back later... as soon as the warm glow in my chest dissipates a little. I want to be friends with him again. I've pushed so many of my pack away over the last two years, ignoring everyone except for the few friends who didn't allow me to. Now that I've been declared MateLess, there's something about it that makes me feel like I've gotten over that hurdle. I can start to really heal and recover. Even my she-wolf is resigned to our shared fate. We lost our mate. Not our fault. Too bad, so sad. Now we have to truly move on.

I won't, however, let any warm, fuzzy feelings for Braxton develop any further. I don't need to be the MateLess hussy who chases the hunky, older, caramel-eyed, obscenely wealthy, alpha-male. No way. Not this bitch.

A soft knock on the bedroom door startles me out of glaring at my reflection.

"Iliana? Honey, are you awake?" Mom calls softly.

"Yup," I call back. "Just washing up."

"Breakfast is ready," she can't hide the faint hope in her voice.

"OK, Mom," I call back, feeling a twinge of guilt. I never eat breakfast. I can't stomach eating when I first wake up. I have too many nightmares and it takes a while for my she-wolf to settle back down in the mornings. I feel queasy, like if I eat, I'll throw up.

I shower quickly, but spend a little extra time trying to make myself look presentable. I'll have eyes on me all day, until the idea of me being MateLess settles into the minds of the pack.

When I walk into the kitchen, mom smiles at me hopefully. I buss Phoebe on the cheek and grab an apple from the table without meeting Mom's eyes.

"Do you want some eggs and bacon, Ili?" Mom asks.

"No thanks, Mom," I tell her. I hustle out of the room before she can ask me anything else. I just want to get to school and deal with the fallout of this weekend's ceremony. Walking to the door, I pull yet another heart sticker off of my thick sweater. Cindi is so going to owe me.

The blare of a carhorn startles me. Even more suprising is the male form that straightens up from the side of his truck idling at the bottom of our driveway.

I freeze for just a moment before relaxing. Sauntering over to the smirking male, I smack him on the forehead.

"Ow," he remarks casually. "What was that for?"

I smile sweetly at him. "Nothing much. Just a good morning greeting from me to you."

"Goodmorning to you, Doll." Braxton smiles and opens the passenger door. "Milady. Your chariot awaits."

"Thanks, sexy, but no thanks." I walk past the truck onto the sidewalk. I hear Braxton splutter behind me and hide my laughter with my hand.

"Why not?" he jogs up next to me. Crap, he's a handsome male. All hard planes and edges of pure, masculine male. He smells good, too, like the bacon and eggs Mom just offered me. Although, now that I think about it, he probably just ate breakfast and that's why he smells edible.

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