Fʀɪᴇɴᴅs - 2

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"Do you happen to know her, Gojou-sensei?" - Asked Fushiguro.

Gojou thought for a bit, looking with a bit frustrated yet worried expression, then answered. - "I have a faint memory of a girl with the same appearance you just gave me. I don't know about her a lot even what her name is but from what I know she is feared by most. If I remember it right I have met her when I was young and what I remember was..." - He paused for a bit then continued after a worried sigh. - "Simply perfection and destruction. Her aura and lack of emotions made her scarier than death itself. She was the strongest known and yet unknown sorcerer I've ever met."

The two students looked shocked after what they heard. Especially after it being said by their own teacher, the strongest jujutsu sorcerer.

"But still this is all I know. I don't remember anything else but her aura and the emptiness in her eyes." - He chuckled a bit at what he said yet still remained serious. - "Anyway, you said she teleported you here, right?" - Gojou asked pointing at the place they were standing at.

They nodded. - "She went this way right after she brought us here." - Kugisaki pointed at the way the unknown girl walked away from them.

"Hmm.." - Gojou looked straight the way he was pointed and thought to himself. - 'So she knows the school maybe way too perfect than it should be. But I don't recall a girl like her being a student here. I wonder...' - He paused his thought furrowing his brows then continued. - 'Who is she for real and why is there such a small amount of information about her?'

"Then if this is all, I'll be heading now." - Gojou said as he started to walk away, waving at them. - "Later I'll pass by to see how Itadori is doing. Keep safe~"

The two nodded as Gojou walked away.

As he was walking he kept on thinking about the girl, so engulfed in his thoughts he realised it after bumping into someone.

"A-ah, Ijichi, gomen." - He smiled and waved his hand in an apologizing manner.

"I-it's alright, Gojou-san. Are you alright? You seem dazed away" - Ijichi asked worried.

"Ah, it's alright, I was just thinking about my students."

"I see." - Ijichi smiled. - "By the way, Gojou-san, I wanted to talk to you about something." -Suddenly, his expression changed to a serious one.

"Hm?" - Gojou-sensei wondered, raising his eyebrow under his mask.

"I don't know if you remember but..." - Ijichi worried also a bit scared about what was going on, paused for a moment, as Gojou looked at him with a serious expression, then continued. - "The girl from 11 years ago has returned." - Ijichi looked with a concerned expression followed by a deadly serious one from Gojou.

"Any information?" - Asked the tall white haired man.

"This is all we know so far. Her intentions are still unknown." - Ijichi answered his question not really satisfying the teacher.

"I see. Thank you, Ijichi." - He said. - "If you get more information about her even if it's just a small and unnecessary thing tell me right away." - With that he continued walking while thinking about her.

The next morning a conference meeting was held. Everyone was bothered by her appearance after all those years.

Meanwhile, while Itadori was resting in his room, there was a knock on the door.

"Hai! Get in!" - Itadori surprised by the sudden knock but taken aback in a second yelled in agreement for the person outside to get in.

For his surprise it was the girl from yesterday who saved his life.

"Are you feeling better?" - The girl asked with an emotionless voice.

"A-ah yeah.. You are the girl from yesterday who defeated the curse and saved me, right?" - He asked as she nodded in agreement. - "Thank you, umm..." - He paused as he didn't know her name.

"Y/n. L/n Y/n." - The girl stated.

"Ah, what a beautiful name you have L/n!" - He stated as he smiled widely. But this didn't affect Y/n, she still stood there emotionlessly.

"A-ah! M-my bad! Come and sit here, don't just stay there! I'm sorry, how rude of me, hahaha." - he laughed a bit.

Y/n entered the room and closed the door after that sat on the edge of his bed.

"I am Itadori Yuuji! Nice to meet ya!" - He stated grinning and she just nodded. -

"Once again thank you about yesterday, L/n! For saving me then bringing me here."

Y/n just nodded.

"You are not into talking, huh?" - Itadori asked more like pointing it out. Once again she just nodded.

"I see. Well, I hope we can be friends." - He smiled as he stated.

This as it seemed took by a shock the girl as her expression for the first time changed a bit.

"Eh? Is everything alright, L/n?" - Itadori asked as he looked a bit worried at her.

Y/n nodded. - "Also.."

"Also?" - Itadori slightly tilted his head.

"Call me Y/n." - Her emotionless expression returned but with a slight difference that couldn't be told.

"Eh? Are you sure? Alright then, I'll call you Y/n from now on!" - He grinned at her which seemed as if the warmth of his smile and his words had made their way to her soul as she made a small unnoticeable smile.

"Oi, idiot." - Someone from outside the room started speaking. - "Gojou-sensei wants to talk with us about something important as he said so get you-..." - Fushiguro opened the door and right before going in he looked up and saw the girl from yesterday which shocked him.


"Oh, Fushiguro!" - Itadori spoke out, waving at him. - "Do you remember her?
This is the girl from yesterday. Her name is Y/n." - He said with a smile to the shocked still standing Fushiguro.

"Y/n, this is Fushiguro." - He then returned his attention back to Y/n. - "He is usually way too serious and looks scary and all but has a really kind heart." - Itadori stated while making different expression and pointing at Fushiguro.

Fushiguro sighed then continued. - "Anyway, as I was saying, Gojou-sensei wants to talk about something important with us so get ready."

"Hey, can Y/n come with us?" - Itadori asked out of the blue.

With a sigh, Fushiguro answered right away. - "No."

"B-but.." - Itadori looked at him with pleading eyes.

Sighing once again knowing Itadori's stubbornness he said. - "Do as you wish. But if Gojou-sensei gets angry you will take responsibility about all of this."

"Alright!" - Itadori said a bit unhappily yet excited. - "Y/n, you will meet with our teacher, Gojou-sensei! He is the best teacher you'll ever meet!" - He exclaimed with excitement.

Y/n just nodded.

"We'll meet up in the classroom so hurry up." - Fushiguro said as he left, worried about what Gojou has told him and Kugisaki about her, wondering if everything would be alright.

"Hai, hai!" - Itadori said as he started getting ready. Y/n just left the room waiting for him outside.

𝑆ℎ𝑒 𝑊ℎ𝑜 𝐼𝑠 𝑆𝑡𝑟𝑜𝑛𝑔𝑒𝑟 𝑇ℎ𝑎𝑛 𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝑆𝑡𝑟𝑜𝑛𝑔𝑒𝑠𝑡Where stories live. Discover now