chapter 4

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I have always wanted a father figure. No matter how strong and brave and cold hearted i pretended to be, i needed a paternal figure in my life. The closest one had to that was the leader of the Vinalcian mafia. He was captured by Ramirez sometime back in a plan that was created by me.

The Vinalcian mafia is the best mafia in the world. They reached this position a year earlier, as a form of revenge and retaliation against the Cironio mafia who had captured their father. 

One of the members of their family is the best assassin in the world, followed by me. They reached this position with the help of Masifirion mafia, who are also their blood realtives and the third best mafia in the world. 

Ramirez is the leader of the Cironio mafia, which is fourth best. He and the leader of the Lanistaish mafia, Andresol, which is also the second best mafia, are parteners, and plan to take over the Vinalcian mafia together. Vinalcian mafia deals with drugs and weapons, and is also against human trafficking, which is another reason why both Cironio and Lanistaish mafia hate them. 

The Vinalcian mafia is my only hope in saving the innocents that have been captured by Ramirez and are sold. 

That is why when Ramirez had wanted to attack the Vinalcian mafia, i made an extremely dumb plan. One thing about the Cironio mafia is that leaders are all really, really stupid. They believe in only physical power and number, which is why the Vinalcian mafia is ahead of them. The plan was very bad. I had created it knowing that Ramirez and his mafia would be defeated and the innocents could be saved. Infact, everyone actually agreed to the plan of action. 

But one member of the mafia, who had one brain cell more than the others, disagreed and said that it was too simple. It was TOO SIMPLE? Like he didn't disagree with the part where Ramirez had to knock on the doors of the warehouse, QUITE LITERALLY, but the only flaw in the plan was that it was TOO SIMPLE? The only reason Ciaro mafia is still alive is because the Lanistaish mafia need our members.

Anyway, they discussed on the plan and the final version was quite decent. With that they were able to capture the former leader of Vinalcian, Andriano by surrounding him with 30 people. And he was able to kill off 23 of them so i have a huge respect for him.

I used to regularly visit him in his cells. 

That man is hella strong. Even after so much torture, he never spilled a word about his mafia or his sons. 

Ramirez does not know the position of their main warehouse, the central building and the private mansion. He daily tortured Andriano, but was unsuccessful. 

At night i would sneak in his cell to tend to his wounds and give him food. He would tell me about his children. A month ago, i helped him escape. 

Ramirez is not aware that it was i who helped Andriano, otherwise i would be dead. I devised a plan in such a way that i would be on the other side of the world when he escaped.


"Taylor?" I was brought back to reality by Mr Piddle' concerned voice. "Have you talked to mother's boyfriend? Does he want to take me in?" I ask. 

I cannot leave Ethan and his family here. "He was actually very eager for you to reunite with your family." He was what? Ramirez? Eager for me to leave? 

"Okayy...and can I call my guardian?"

"Here, i was talking to him when you arrived." Mr. Piddle calls him and hands me his phone. 

"His name please?"  I ask. 

"Oh um sorry. Leander. Leander Vianarco." Replied the officer. 

Leander picks up the phone," Yes Tom, what happened now?" 

I have heard that icey voice before. "This is actually Taylor Vázqueto" i reply in an equally cold voice. 

"Taylor, i trust Mr Piddle has informed you of the situation?" He asked in a little softer voice. 

"The basic situation yes, however i am still unaware of other details like where i will be staying." 

"You will be taken to the airport by our driver, where you have to board our private jet. When you land, your second eldest brother, Alfonio will be there to pick you up. I am currently in a business trip." 

Well, atleast i know that they are rich. Wait did he say private jet? "Private jet? Where exactly am i supposed to go?" 

"You are coming to New York." 

No no no, i cant leave Ethan here. Not just becasue of his safety, but also because he is my best friend, my rock, the only person who knows everything. Maybe i can come visit him. 

"And when will the driver pick me up?" I ask, removing any worries about my best friend from my voice. 

"I thought you would need sometime to say bye to your friends there, so tomorrow morning sharp 9. Is that fine?" He asks. 

Gives me enough time to pack everything up, tell Ethan, and talk to Ramirez. "Perfect." 

"Great. Goodbye." He says and hangs up. Didn't expect anything less.

I look up at Mr Piddle,

"i will be taking the rest of the day off. Can you perhaps excuse Ethan as well?" Mr Piddle nodde a yes. 

I nodded at the police officer in respect and walk out. Outside, as always, stood Ethan talking to Mrs Dupront. 

When he saw me, he runs over to me and worriedly asks, "You were gone for quite sometime. Everything okay, love? What did he say?"

"I'll tell you later. You have the rest of the day off. Lets go to your house, yeah?" I say as i grabbed Ethan's hand and drag him towards the exit. 

"I also have something to tell you." He got in the car and drove to his house. Martha and Nathaniel are at work, they are both doctors, so the house is empty. Ethan went to his room, while i went to the kitchen, grabbed Cheetos and followed him. We sat on the bed facing each other. 

"Okay spill" i demanded.


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