Chapter 36

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AN - Hi everyone...just a quick word to say, the other day I was hit with an urge to write someting...and so I already have the first chapter of the next book in this series finished, so when I finally manage to get Artair's story fully written, you will be able to move straight onto the next! Enjoy, Az xx

Chapter 36








The rhythmic, slow, almost hypnotic rise and fall of the blanket as Rohesia lay breathing gently, as she slept in a deep and healing slumber that did not have him worried over whether she would wake or not. She would wake from this slumber, and all the more rested and healthy for it. And there was only God himself who he could offer his thanks to over it. Leaning forward so as to let his elbows rest against his thighs and his chin resting upon his clasped hands.

His own breathing mirroring that of the woman before him. There was no way that he could move in that moment. Blinking was too much of an inconvenience. He needed to wake her, inform her of what had transpired while she slumbered, but he could not bring himself to change the picture that she created. The peaceful calm which had enveloped the room was such a difference to the pace and worry of the past few hours that he was so loathing to change any of it. For these slow moments which only held the peace of settled quiet, were few and far between, and he had a gut feeling swirling deep inside that he would very much wish for more moments like these in the coming days.

Lowering his face, he scrubbed his hands over it, his stubble scratching against his palms, and catching on callouses at the bases of his fingers. His breath blowing out slowly, his whole body deflating with it, and with only the dim light of the dying fire, and a few candles to light Rohesia, he leaned forward, reaching out and gently took the small delicate hand which had managed to escape the close confines of the warm soft covers.

His thumb skating the backs of her knuckles. He watched as the gentle rhythm he continued, along with a slight squeezing of her fingers caused her to frown within her sleep. He could almost see it as she came further and further to the surface. Sleep slowly, but surely, being left behind, and the peace of the moment was to be shattered. He could only blame himself in that moment, he knew he could wait and let that moment linger, but in the end the outcome would be the same. Someone was out to harm the woman before him, and he would be damned if he let anything happen to her. She was his, and for once in his life, he refused to share anything he had with anyone else, and that meant he had to make sure she survived by himself. For he could accept help from those around him, but in the end it was his decisions which would define the couple that they would one day become…he hoped.

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