Chapter 15

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I woke up from my alarm and it took me a minute to remember what had happened last night. Derek sat up beside me and rubbed his eyes.

"Morning." He says and kisses my cheek which shocked me. "Morning." I say smiling softly. "I'm gonna have to head home and check on Issac, I'll see you later." He says before climbing out of my bed and throwing his clothes back on and heading out the window.

I sat up and put my pyjamas on before heading downstairs to make breakfast.

After making breakfast, dad came downstairs. I handed dad his breakfast and then made his coffee. I then filled up his flask for work and joined him at the table to eat my breakfast.

Once he left, Stiles came down and had breakfast and shortly left as well.

I head upstairs and have a shower and get ready for the day. I put on some black shorts and a white silky spaghetti strap top.

After my hair and makeup was done and I put some shoes on, I grab my car keys and head to Derek's.

Before I even knocked on the loft door, Derek opened the loft door. "Hi." I say smiling and walking past him.

"We're waiting for Peter." Derek says and I look at him confused before sitting down. "Why?" I ask. "So he can hopefully re jog Issac's memory." Derek says and I nod.

"I thought I heard you." Issac says once he comes down the stairs. "Morning." I say smiling at him. "You're supposed to be at school." I say and Issac looks over to Derek who is rearing a book.

"How am I supposed to get information if he's at school?" Derek asks not looking up from his book. "Calm down." I say and he rolls his eyes.

"What time is Peter gonna be here?" I ask and Derek looks up at me and says "now" before looking back down at his book. This set Issac into a nervous pace.

"You know, I'm starting to not like this idea. It sounds kinda dangerous. You know what? I definitely don't like this idea, and I definitely don't like him." Issac rambles. "You'll be fine." Derek encourages, barely looking up from his book.

"Does it have to be him?" Issac asks. "He knows how to do it. I don't. It would be more dangerous if I tried doing it myself." Derek says.

"You know Scott doesn't trust him, right? You know, personally, I'd... well I'd trust Scott." Issac says and I roll my eyes. "Who cares about Scott? Scott should trust us." I say and Derek rolls his eyes.

"Do you trust me?" Derek asks. "Yeah." Issac says. "I still don't like him." Issac says and I roll my eyes. "No one likes him." Derek says and just as he finishes the door slides open.

"Boys. And Nia. FYI, yes, coming back from the dead has left my abilities somewhat impaired, but the hearing still works." Peter says walking in and I just roll my eyes.

"So I hope you're comfortable saying whatever it is that you're feeling straight to my face." He says before looking from me to Derek.

"We don't like you." Derek says bluntly as he shuts his book and throws it on to the table. "Now shut up and help us." Derek says standing up. "Fair enough." Peter says before flicking out his claws and making me jump up.

"He's not gonna like hurt him is he?" I ask Derek ans he shrugs. "Hopefully not." He says setting up a chair for me and Issac to sit on.

"Relax, I'll get more out of you if you're calm." Peter says to Issac as I just watch Issac. "How do you know how tondo this, again?" Issac asks clearly worried as Derek stands behind me with a hand on my shoulder. Peter stands behind an anxious Issac and examining his claws.

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