Chapter 26

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Chapter 26:

            Standing by my locker after school, I tried to ignore the occasional glances that came my way. Mostly because I felt like everyone had miraculous x-ray vision and could see through my backpack, and that very thought was making me lose my mind. As it was, I had already pushed the backpack into my locker. Because that doesn’t look suspicious.

            But I couldn’t help it. The only thing worse than carrying around the bag that seemed to weighed down by hundreds of pound of rocks was the curiosity of what was inside it. And the mixture of guilt and curiosity never went well together.

            Why the fuck was I curious?

            Didn’t I trust Beatle? I liked to believe I did. And he said that I already knew what was in it- weed, obviously.

            It was ridiculous- I was ridiculous. I felt like I had a devil on each shoulder, since angels were reserved for people that actually had an ethical side. I truly believed I lost that ethical side a while ago. But which devil was worse? Either I proved I had no trust in Beatle and checked what was in the box, relieving my curiosity and guilt, or I just waited until Beatle got here, gave him the box, and pretending nothing ever happened.

            The second was sounding more appealing as the minutes ticked by. Ignorance really is bliss. Checking the clock again I saw that if I was going to decide I had to now, unless I wanted Beatle to walk up to me mid-snooping.

            I took a breath and ran my shoe along the floor, producing a squeak. I checked over my shoulder to make sure no one was watching me.

            Who would be watching you?

            I gripped the zipper of my bag loosely between my thumb and index finger. I started to pull with clumsy fingers before I stopped and took a breath.

            Just fucking open it, Elliot.

            I unzipped it in one, swift motion, and stared at the box inside. It was like one of those small cardboard pencil cases they give you in primary school that everyone fills with the tree caterpillars at recess.

            I peeked around the door of the locker to look for Beatle once more before I dove my hand into the bag and knocked the top of the container off.

            I stared at it, completely confused. It was like looking at hieroglyphics- I knew what it was but I didn’t understand it. It wasn’t marijuana. I pulled out a single bag of white powder and held it closer to my face to examine it. It looked like fresh snow.

            “Hey, El!” A hand landed on my shoulder and I supressed a scream as the bag fell from my hands and landed on the floor. Beatle looked at the bag, and then his gaze slowly scanned up my body until it returned back to my eyes.

            “Elliot?” I didn’t reply, and he didn’t say anything more. What could he say? He couldn’t exactly get mad at me; he was the one lying and he had inadvertently given it to me. At the same time, I couldn’t be mad at him because I was snooping.

            Of course you can be mad; he’s a fucking liar.

            But either way I wasn’t mad, just confused. Almost like the momentary bewilderment when you get hit with a snowball.

            I quickly snatched it off the floor quickly and threw it back into the bag before anyone had a chance to spot it.

            “Elliot, do you want to talk about it?”

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