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"Miyu, time to wake up!" The boy pulled her blanket away and opened the curtains, earning a groan from the girl.

"Shut up...five more minutes." She turned to the other side, curling herself up.

"Wake up, wake up, wake up! We'll be late." The boy scream into her ears making her slap him away.

"I get it, do you want to kill my ear drums?" She glared at him, this is the only time of the day she hated him.

"Our Miyu really has a bad temper in the morning." He touched his cheek that has a stinging red mark on it. "I prepared your uniform in the bathroom already, just go shower."

"Got it." She got onto her feet, eyes half-lidded. "What are you still doing here? Get out, I'm going to shower."

"Yes, ma'am!" He saluted "Breakfast is ready so hurry up."

"...kay." It took her longer to process the sentence...she really isn't a morning person.

"I'm so glad you're here Takumi-kun, my daughter really is helpless without you." Yumi's mother thanked the boy. "You even come here to prepare breakfast for us every weekday."

"Haha, I'm sure she doesn't need me at all. Since we live right next to each other anyways, it's not a problem. And auntie pays for all the ingredients, cooking is no problem." Takumi smiled.

"Mom, don't praise him too much. He'll get cocky." The girl interrupted at the staircase, making her way to the table.

"You should learn to not be so dependant on Takumi-kun you know?" Her mother patted the girl's head.

"...I know." She replied taking small bites of her breakfast. She glanced at Takumi like she usually do, they won't be able to stay like that if he gets a girlfriend. That thought horrified her, her breathing became unstable.

"I'm done, I can't eat anymore." She managed to force out before rushing to the toilet.

She looked at the sink covered with her blood and two rose petals, how beautiful...her favourite roses...

"You look pretty, like a rose." The little boy beamed making the girl blush.

"That's all in the past, stop it. Stupid brain." She mumbled, wiping away the tears that came out from puking. She washed her face before exiting the toilet.

"Let's go, I don't want to be late." She grabbed her bag, heading straight to the door. Leaving no time for them to question what happened "Bye, mom. Love you."

"Ah, auntie, I'll get going too." The boy reacted after seeing Miyu walking out the door. "Hey, wait!"

They walked side by side, but neither of them spoke. Some time had passed before the boy tapped her shoulder gently as she hummed in reply.

"Hey...was the breakfast bad?" The boy asked softly.

"No, it was delicious." She replied not taking her eyes off her phone.

"Are you unwell?" The boy asked again in a soft voice.

"I feel fine." She lied without batting an eyelash.

"Are you sure?"


"Are you really really sure?"

"Do you want me to be sick?" She sighed, finally sparing him a glance.

"No...that's not what I-" The boy saddened.

"Sorry, I'm really fine. I just slept late last night." She continued scrolling her phone. 

Well, it's not a lie. She was up late researching about hanahaki, looking through the blogs of people who had hanahaki, the cure, how much time she had left.

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