Ch. 33 • Drag me!

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Just wanna say, your comments on the last chapter had me WEEZING!!!

I look over at Mateo and he looks at me, I signal him to sit next to Morgan and he does. Morgan looks at me and mouths 'sorry', I just give her a small nod and start to walk over to my seat, my heals clicking being the only sound as everything else dies down.

"Hello" I say while tapping Jenny on the shoulder "hello" I say again

I look across the table and see her- and Morgan's- parents looking at the situation in pure horror, they know their daughter had messed up. Big time.

"Can I help you" Jenny finally says, looking at me with innocent eyes

"You seem to be in my seat" I tell her in a calm voice, but baby, I am anything but calm, dam these pregnancy hormones .

"Oh" she says while looking down and around herself "I didn't know this seat was taken, I just sat down in the first seat I saw.

"Huh" I say while ticking my tongue "so you just skipped the empty seat, 4 seats down closer to the door?"

"Why it seam I did, you wouldn't mind taking it would you" now everyone is silent and nobody dares to talk

"Now now Jenny, this is your sister and my brother-in-laws night. We wouldn't want to make it about you now would we?" I saw in a motherly tone while I tilt my head

"For god sakes Jennifer, move" a woman says- I presume her mother.

"And why should I"

"Because I would rather have my wife sit next to my children and I, than a woman I barley know" Ace says, finally.

"Barley know me?! We have slept together multiple times Ace, you know me!" She yells

I literally hear Vincent and Silas saying 'oooo' in their heads- those two are such suckers for gossip, they are like old Mexican grandmas to be honest

"Move. Now." Ace says in a low voice


"Jenny, please just let me have a night, why does everything have to be about you! My god!" Morgan says from the top of the table, not too far down from us.

"F*ck off Morgan, why do you always have to butt in!" Jenny yells again

"Never, and I mean ever talk to my fiancé like that, sister or not, you will show this family respect or you will be taken out" Mateo says, now standing up

"Why can't you just love me Ace! Why be with one woman, I'm fine with being number 2 behind her, I'm fine with being a side chick!" She says

"God your hysterical" I say

"Shut up, I will still drag you pregnant and all!"

"Drag me Monique! Drag me!" If you know, you know

"My name isn't f*cking Monique!" Jenny yells

I look at Ace and he looks at me with anger in his eyes, not for me, but for her

"Mateo" he says, not even looking at his brother

"Coraggio [go for it]" he says back

"Portala fuori [Take her out]" Ace says  in a strait tone to the guards and within seconds the bratty woman is taken out of my chair and walked out of the room.

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