Last Chapter!

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"Wait! Shota Aizawa, it's your birthday?! Why did I not know about this sooner?"

"It's not a big deal," he sighed. "I'm just getting a year closer to dying."

"Hey, birthdays are awesome. You know what? We're gonna celebrate. A small get-together, sound good? Yes, it does. Mic and I will take care of everything."


"N-" I started to say.

"Meetcha at your place later!" 

And... she's gone. I don't even want to celebrate my birthday. She wasn't nearly as loud before she got that transformation quirk. Why does she even care?


We got everything we needed and were heading over to Aizawa's house. It was just me, Kayama, and Yamada since I know Aizawa wouldn't like a big celebration, even though he doesn't even want this one. Yamada had the drinks, Kayama had the food, I had some cards, and Aizawa would have the house since we were going to his place to bug him.

"Shota! We're here!" Yamada yelled while knocking on the door.

The door opened a little bit, showing Aizawa's typical tired face. "I don't even want a party," he grumbled.

"Aw, c'mon, Aizawa, please. It'll just be the four of us," I begged with puppy-dog eyes which Kayama and Yamada assisted with.

He just sighed before opening the door.


Why am I even letting them in? I could be using this time to try to get some sleep.


An hour went by with us just eating and playing cards, then Yamada brought out the now cold drinks. He poured us each a glass.

"Nensho isn't even old enough," Aizawa said after he saw that it was alcohol and grabbed the cup that I was about to grab.

"Boy, I'm older than you. I only look this young because of how old my fox body is. If I hadn't crashed my car, I could be your grandmother," I countered. "Besides that, I was twenty-nine when that happened and I've been here for two years, so that makes thirty-one, almost thirty-two," I finished by snatching my cup back. "To Aizawa!" I cheered.

"To Shota!" Yamada and Kayama followed before we all took a drink, the three of us taking a swig with Aizawa taking a reluctant drink.

Time went by with us all playing Go Fish, somehow Yamada had gotten louder than he usually was, Nemuri was surprisingly calm, and Aizawa was somewhat participating. Soon enough though, Nemuri and Yamada fell asleep on the recliners, leaving me and Aizawa.


Finally, the two headaches are asleep...

"Man, I missed the occasional drink," Nensho said as she stretched her arms above her head. "It was so nice to just go to a bar on a Friday night and drink the stress of a bunch of rowdy high schoolers away. Honestly, I could never tell the difference between them and an elementary schooler. I wonder how Moashi's doing... He was my best student, always so well-behaved and on task."

"Are you drunk?" I cut her off.

She paused and looked at me with a blank face before it burst back into a smile. "Nah, If I was drunk, I'd be giving a lecture. I have the best story for that. This one time we had gone out drinking at our usual bar and this guy had the balls to say he was overpriced. Now that night I had drank probably close to an entire bottle at that point, but I handle my... uh, liquor well. Anyway, I moseyed on over there, grabbed his receipt, and gave him an entire public lecture on how all of the drinks he ordered added up and then the taxes. I was in California by the way. And he just got madder and madder, so security had to throw him out. America was... quite the experience."

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