1. Brienna

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There is nothing worse than family dinner.

As dramatic as that sounds, it's true. I wait inside the lecture hall, peering through the rain to see if my brother pulled up yet. Maybe it's better he's late. I'd rather stand in the dewey lecture hall for the rest of the night rather than go back to my parents house. 

It's going to be high school all over again. 

My thoughts are interrupted as AJ pulls into the lecture hall parking lot. I use my arm to attempt to cover myself from the rain as I run down the steps and towards AJ's car. He reaches over from the drivers seat to open the passenger door for me. I waste no time climbing in and slamming the door shut behind me. Out of the corner of my eye, AJ tries his best to bite down the grin growing on his face. 

"Don't you say anything." I grumbled as I slouched down into my seat. 

He hit the gas and speeds us out of the campus parking lot, almost hitting one of my professors on the curve. "I wasn't going to." He said, trying to keep his tone even. 

I sighed as I dropped my head against the back of the tan passenger seat. "Fine. But make it quick."

He finally let loose a howl of laughter. He nearly slid us off the road as he whipped his head towards me. I mutter a string of profanities as I click my seat belt into place, trying my best to block out my idiot brother's laughter.

"Was it really that bad?" I ask when he finally starts to calm down.

"Oh it was mortifying." AJ answered, his laughter picking back up again. "Honestly, Bri, what were you thinking?" 

"I wasn't!" I nearly screech as I throw my hands up in defense. "I thought it was Tyler!" I drop my head into my hands. "Oh, God." I groan. "How am I ever supposed to look the poor kid in the eye again?"

"You don't have to worry about that because you'll never have to look him in the eye again." He turned the corner, starting his precious black Toyota Corolla towards the highway. "You got in. You can say goodbye to community college and hello to the ivy leagues."

I currently go to New Haven Community College. Well, not currently. That was my last class of the year and for our final project, we were supposed to create a full news report about an old pandemic scare. We had to research, write the broadcast, record it, and make a follow up news report about how the pandemic rocked the nation despite it being a lie My group for the project and I have been fully devoted to perfecting every single detail for the past month. Today, we presented the broadcast. It went great. I'm 100% confident we'll be getting an outstanding grade. It's what happened after that's, as AJ put it, mortifying.

My boyfriend, Tyler, is an idiot. A genuine idiot. Sometimes, at least. Yesterday was one of those unfortunate days. He was helping me pack up my dorm and I was talking about how excited I was to not have to return to this crap college and he got all defensive. He acted like I was insulting him personally and we started arguing. He started saying a bunch of narcissistic bullshit so I kicked him out.

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