⚜Chapter 16: The Good Ol' Days

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A/N: 20.09.2021

And yes, finally an update. Hope you guys enjoy ❤

Q/A: What do you guys have for breakfast? Or do you skip breakfast?

I need breakfast to function the rest of the day tbh 😂

Oh, and I agree, the rainbow rings and prick pins on my shop are a must 😍 Hope you receive your orders soon 💕💕

Please don't forget to leave a vote ♡


When I opened my locker, textbooks and notebooks came rolling out, scattering all over the floor. Some of them were ripped, others were burnt, some were smeared in who knows what, and a couple of them reeked of piss. Snickers and laughter filled the hallways. In my peripheral vision, I could see people staring at me.

I let out a quiet sigh. I had a feeling that being a Rankless sucked, but I didn't think it would be this bad. It was the third time this week since I'd found my belongings covered in shit. 

"What's wrong?" snickered a guy who walked past me. "Did a dog shit on your homework?" 

I tilted my head. "Nah, your mom did." 

He whipped his head back quicker than the wind and sneered, "What did you just say?"

But before he could step into my personal space, someone stopped him. And to my dismay, it wasn't Adam.  

"My, my, you sure have a big mouth for a Rankless," Styx said, his lips raising into a condescending smile. I studied him quickly. Styx wasn't intimidating. Sure, he was lean and fit like the majority of the guys in this school, but nothing about him was excessively intimidating. Brock on the other hand... You could see his muscles tighten the sleeves of his black shirt. He was taller than average, the stocky type of guy. 

Brock stood beside Styx with the same blank face and unreadable eyes. I wondered if he could even feel emotions at this point; he seemed so zoned out and unphased by everything. It was still a mystery how someone as enthusiastic—which in no way was a compliment—as Styx was friends with someone as quiet and emotionless as Brock.

The boy with dark blond hair who I assumed was the one behind the locker prank pushed Styx's hand off his shoulder. He muttered something under his breath and cast me a menacing glare before sauntering off. Before he left, I made sure to memorize his ranking. 


"Seems like you have it rough," Styx said, pushing the scattered paper with the tip of his shoe. "It's not too late to change your mind. I can still offer you my protection, but it's gonna cost ya." 

"I'll pass," I droned. 

"You sure?" he asked, genuinely surprised by my answer. I guess he wasn't used to people with a low ranking saying no to him. Well, in my case, no ranking. 


Styx tilted his head, his blue bangs falling to the side.

"Are you a masochist?" 

I coughed. "A what?"

"You're refusing my help like you want to be treated like shit, so I was just wondering. Maybe you're into this kind of stuff." He raised his palms. "But hey, we all have our kinks." 

He nudged Brock in the ribs and whispered, "You think his dick will get hard if I spank him?" making me twitch. "Maybe he'll get excited if I boss him around."

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