Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Two weeks later we had packed the few items we had, which mainly consisted of what Ana had given me. I had tried to give them back to her but she insisted, saying I was starting with nothing and she had enough to hold her over for now.

The way she had worded it had been weird to me, and when I tried to object again she finally told me that she was pregnant. She pointed out it would be a while she would be able to wear normal clothes again, and by then she could have more made. I guess it wasn't a secret because, apparently, after a point shifters can scent the differences when you are not pregnant versus when you are. I was not sure how I felt about that but I was glad she had at least told me. It at least explained the jovial atmosphere Eric and Ana's pack had lately. This was the first child they would have in I don't know how long, and it was their alpha's child at that.

We had all spent the past weeks continuing to clean, help build, and welcoming new packs. My favorite pack to come since Silver's was the first European pack that made it. Don't hold it against me but I am a sucker for accents. Especially European accents.

During these past weeks, I had continued helping Eric with writing about the packs that came, and the only European pack to have arrived so far was fascinating. European packs already had something the packs we had seen so far did not, a European Council. They had been hosting meetings every six months with all of the European pack leaders for, well, centuries.

I had laughed when I heard about that but no one else understood why. I had tried explaining to them it seemed like Europe had not changed because when I came from they had the European Union, but they all just kind of stared at me blankly.

The European Council also had been having pack get-togethers annually for mateless shifters. It rotated locations each year so shifters would also be able to explore different human-populated towns. It was an impressive system, to say the least, and had resulted in a couple of mates being found each year. It did not seem like much considering that only a few mates were found out of every European pack, but it was when I consider how often the American packs have found mates.

After the pack came they told us how long we would have to wait for the rest of the packs to get here.

After hearing that last week, Silver finally decided he needed to leave. He told us he had stayed longer than he should have, especially with the attack and everything. His pack needed him and they were coming up on another move soon. Since everything was getting back to normal around Eric's pack, and no other pack would be here soon, Silver thought it was the perfect time to leave.

I was upset at the fact I would maybe not see him again but he promised he would keep in touch. He had left the next day after giving me a few of my favorite recipes and telling me how to make the main ingredients. He had even offered a few alternative ingredients that he could think of off the top of his head, seeing how I would not be near Mexico when Jonah and I went back. Which was happening sooner than I had planned.

Jonah and I had our first small argument yesterday after he was contacted by his pack. Our pack. Remember that. As I sat in our room for the last time here, I thought back to yesterday with a cringe.


"Hey, Mine. We need to talk."

I smiled as I turned to him from the kitchen stool I sat on. Papers were spread all across the kitchen bar as I had been finishing the pack ledger I was working on.

I had been working on putting all of the necessary information for each pack in a book for Eric before I decided to copy it for the other Alphas. I had done one for Eric, Jonah, Silver, and the one European Alpha so far.

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