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Another night, Alex found she couldn't sleep. She snuck out again, and stood in front of Leo's cabin door before making up her mind. She was a bundle of nerves, but she knocked. There was no answer and Alex realised he must be on deck. 

She walked up the steps and felt the cold wind like thousands of needles on her skin, but she hugged herself and walked to the lone shadow standing on the deck. 

"Hey" She whispered. Leo radiated heat, quite literally and Alex dropped her arms by her side now that she felt the familiar warmth.

"Hey" He whispered back. "Look, Lex- I'm sorry, I know I shouldn't have and I-"

"Shut up Valdez" Alex breathed out. This was it, the moment she had to tell him. "It's fine, better than fine actually."

Leo looked at with confusion, surely she couldn't mean what he thought she meant. He was too insecure to even think that she liked him back, but right then, he let himself hope. 

"You.. what?" 

"I like you dumbass" Alex said slowly. Her heart was beating so fast, it was a wonder it didn't jump out of her chest, but it wasn't the only one beating fast. Leo was glad for the darkness as it hid his blush and he faced her.

"What is this... between us then? some unspoken thing?" Leo questioned, he chuckled, but his mind was already racing. If this was some prank by Alex, he would play it off as a joke, but he knew she never joked about her feelings. 

Alex bit her bottom lip, "What do you want it to be?" 

"I've known you since... forever. I can't imagine my life without you" Leo sighed, Alex's lips parted and she turned to face him too. "But, we can't be friends anymore... you're always going to be something more"

"More than a friend huh? do you mean best friend?" Alex joked awkwardly. 

"Shut up Lex" Leo chuckled. "Can you picture it though? You and I together?"

"Together... I like the sound of that" Alex moved closer and Leo took a step forward too. He wasn't much taller than her, barely three inches. Alex was lost in his eyes, no she was looking at his lips, gods his smile. Everything inside her was screaming at her to kiss him and he felt the same. 

"Can I kiss you? Properly this time?" He whispered as he tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear. 

"Yeah" Alex blushed. 

The two started forward, Alex raised her hand to his cheek and Leo snaked his arm around her waist. Their lips were inches apart, getting closer every second. Alex couldn't wait any longer-

"Allie? Leo?" A voice made them break apart. 

"Percy" Alex greeted, trying not to get mad at her brother. She had stepped back from Leo, and already missed Leo's warmth. She just hoped Percy hadn't seen how close they had been

"What are you doing?" Percy asked, now that he was in view, he looked livid. So much for the darkness hiding them. 

"Talking. Lex and I realised we hadn't talked properly in a long time" Leo lied, clearing his throat. 

"Don't lie to me fire boy" Percy gritted his teeth. "What were you doing with my sister?" 

"Perce, it's fine... we weren't doing anything" Alex lied. 

"Allie, don't lie to me" 

"Listen man-" Leo stopped when he saw a glint of something in Percy's hand, it was riptide, still in it's pen form. 

"Percy, put the pen away" Alex widened her eyes, surely Percy wouldn't go that far. 

"Hey kelp head!" A voice called from the shadows and Violet stepped into view. They lowered their voice but it was still audible. "Do you take pride in ruining everyone's first kiss?"

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