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"Eve!? Wake up!" A voice woke her from her nightmare. Her eyes shot open and met the gaze of Nickalos. Kneeled over her he held her shoulders, she exhaled softly. "Wake up?" He whispered with a frown; his hot breath tickling her sleepy face. Moving away from her he made his way to the closet and slipped on his coat. "Ye alright?" He asked, still frowning. Sitting up from her position, she recalled where she was and what had happened. Silver kept a watchful eye on her as got up from the floor. Giving him an answer to his previous question she nodded lightly. Humming he walked to the door, indicating with his hand she should follow. Remembering their conversation the night before she walked closer. Looking at him with a frown he opened the door, a hint of hope appeared in her eyes. "Go on." He reassured her and she walked up the stairs. A gust of fresh salty air blew her hair back and the bright light blinded her for a second, but Evelyn's breath was taken away as her sight returned.

The sun slightly over the horizon with a clear morning sky above her. Sails taken by the wind, waves crashing against the ship and little drops of water hitting her dry skin. Closing her eyes she took a cleansing breath, opening her arms taking it all in - her skin happy to feel the sun once more. Fluttering her eyes open, a smile grew on her once gloomy expression with every passing second. She didn't know if she wanted to scream or just pass out from the excitement. Her heart pounded against her rib cage. Adventure overwhelmed her body. Her soul felt powerful. Running to the side of the ship, Evelyn leaning as far as she could over the railing. Foam was created by the ship moving swiftly through the waters. In those few moments of freedom, she felt nothing could stop her, not even a storm that created waves bigger than the ship could. Evelyn's dreams of being on a ship was coming true and it wasn't her father giving it to her, a bloody pirate was! I could have the adventure I've always wanted. A voice echoed. However, she was quickly brought back to the cruel reality by a man grabbing her shoulder, her heart sat in her throat, blocking her from screaming. Turning her to face them it was Hawkins. "What are ye doing outside, lass?" He asked sternly which made her panic. "It's alright Mr. Hawkins! She's allowed to be out!" Silver called from the other railing, leaning against it. "Aye, Captain!" Hawkins called back, but there was a trace of worry that lingered in his voice. Letting go of her he went on with his duties.

Catching her breath Evelyn wanted to go back admiring the ocean when she caught Silver staring at her. A look of curiosity. Turning to face him she looked at him annoyed, her mood spoiled. Pushing himself of the railing he walked to his left, towards the helm. Following from the other side Evelyn though it would be wise to stay near him if she didn't want to get into trouble. One of his men manned the wheel, but Silver tapped his shoulder to relieving him of his work. Taking the wheel in both hands, his right hand at the top and the left at the bottom. He looked like a real Captain, strong, dependent and true to his crew with a slight smug look plastered on his face. Standing against the railing Evelyn looked down onto the deck where a few men were busy. Some were on the masts fixing the ropes, some moping and scrubbing the deck, while others carried crates and barrels. However, it was mostly quiet. Glancing at Silver to see if he was looking at her, he was not. He stared into the distance, he seemed so... far. He caught her gazing which made her look away. "So, what do ye think of Lady Death!?" He asked while still looking in the distance, his accent coming through strong. She had finally received the ships name – it was not a lady like name in her opinion – but a strong name. Evelyn was not sure what to answer as she had no clue what made a good ship, but answered, nonetheless. "Good, sturdy and strong ship with full speed ahead I guess." Shooting her a smile Evelyn went back down to the deck to examine it more. Hearing loud laughter below Evelyn poked her head into the belly of the ship and saw Hawkins cutting up potatoes and carrots as he chatted with others around him.


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