28 | There Will Be Drama Part I

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Chapter 28 : There Will Be Drama Part I

Friday finally rolled around after what had felt like forever. I hadn't seen Omar since Tuesday and it honestly was bothering me. I'd heard his voice since then but it just wasn't the same. I missed his smell, his arms, everything.

I completed my shift at work and was thrilled the day went quicker than expected. Fridays' were usually crazy at doctors' offices but surprisingly today the universe had been on my side.

I got in my car after I clocked out and began to head to the nearest mall. I had absolutely nothing to wear to Ashley and Trev's dinner so I had to fix that. She'd told me they didn't have a specific theme but the restaurant is one of the most boujee places in town, so it would need to be elegant.

I returned to the same boutique store that I had purchased my red dress from for Omar's ball. The store had tons of stunning but sexy dresses for many different occasions.

"Welcome back, what can we help you find today?," the shop clerk asked walking towards me.

She smiled widely.

"I'm looking for something to wear to this dinner I have tonight. It's at a really nice restaurant but it's my friend's anniversary so I want something sexy but nothing that'll steal the spotlight," I replied.

I began looking through a couple dresses on a rack next to me.

"Do you have a specific color in mind?," She asked.

I sat and though for a moment, I definitely didn't.

"I'm thinking maybe something just plain black, but still sexy," I responded.

She turned and walked towards the back of the store, then waved me over to where she was standing.

When I approached where she was I looked up at the wall she was looking towards and seen one of the most gorgeous dresses I'd ever laid eyes on.

It was a mid-calf, black and gold sequined dressed, see through in the front but completely covered in the back. I knew when I seen it that it was the dress for me. It completely fit the occasion. I asked her for a size 16 which surprisingly they had and got her to guide me back towards the shoes and accessories department.

I grabbed thick mid-sized gold hoop earrings and a new pair of black stiletto high heels with gold snake details that curved around the ankles. They both flattered the dress perfectly.

After spending about $400 on my dress, the accessories and shoes I finally managed to get out of the store and begun to head home. It was already 6:30pm and the reservation was set for 9pm.

When I got back from taking Nala outside I checked my phone and seen I had 3 missed calls from Omar. I also had a few text messages from Jada and Natalie both apologizing for missing my calls yesterday. I'd take that up with them later.

I dialed Omar's phone back and he immediately picked up.

"What's up bae?"

I smiled like a kid in a toy aisle.

"Nothing I just got home I had to go shopping for the dinner tonight," I replied casually.

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