Bonus chapter- His POV

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Remember when I gave you guys one single chapter of Tristan's point of view and said it was the only one you were going to get? I lied.

As a recap and so you're not confused, this is his point of view between chapters 18-20, when he was basically being an ass to Adelaide and then the events that lead to their KISS!
Have fun.

"So, you're stupid?" Tate said it as more of a rhetorical question than anything

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"So, you're stupid?" Tate said it as more of a rhetorical question than anything. He was holding a punching bag in place for me as I practiced my swings.

"No, I'm just finally being careful," I grumbled before throwing another punch.

He asked me about Adelaide, but I had been ignoring her after Lachlan found me at the diner. I guess we officially ended things a few hours ago when she cornered me about it.

"You're not being careful you're being... stupid," Tate said. I punched the bag extra hard.

"You know what Lachlan said about her, Tate. You know what that meant to me. What would you do if it was Leah he was talking about?"

"I would talk to her," He said. I opened my mouth to say something but he cut me off immediately. "I would talk to her, and then let her make a decision for herself."

I let out an annoyed tsk sound with my mouth but I knew he was right. I should have given a choice.

"Yeah, well it's too late now. She-" I put my arms down for the first time in what felt like hours. "You didn't see her face, Tate. She won't want to be with me after what I said to her anyway so... it doesn't matter now."

He was quiet after that. The only sound between us for a while was my fists pounding into the punching bag once again.

"I should have never talked to you in the first place." Yet it was the best mistake I ever made.

"We're not friends." Yet I knew she was more than that, somehow she was always more.

"This isn't the fifth grade anymore, Ada." Yet I had wished more than anything that we could go back to those days.

I didn't want to say those things to her, but she had to hear them. I had to hurt her so she wouldn't come back like she had tried so hard to do in the sixth grade, she had always been determined like that. I know I didn't mean what I said and the second I saw the hurt in her face I wanted to take every word of it back.

Maybe I still do, because Tate was right, I should have let her make her own decision.

But it doesn't matter now, because I said what I said and now I had to mean it. What's done is done. Because if I didn't talk to her I wouldn't have to worry about Lachlan hurting her the same way my dad used to say he would.

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