Chapter 2: Grocery Shopping

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"What kind of job should I get...?" Akio groaned, head against their dining table as he spilled tears.

Yuna sipped her cup of coffee and had an immediate suggestion. "With that body, you can totally go for modeling, bro."

"M-Modeling!?" Akio got up and shakes his head vigorously, making an X mark with his arms. "No, absolutely not!

Bright and early in the morning, the siblings are having breakfast together. Akio, well, Daniel's hair was down, almost reaching his eyes just so slightly. Which caused Yuna to snap a pic of him and gush about how rare his appearance was. "You should definitely model."


The two were currently trying to figure out how they were going to get income. Akio being the adult this time around while Yuna being the minor. They're roles have completely switched. "Is there a way I can work at home?"

Yuna hums. "We'll look up jobs like that later. Gotta get to school in a few minutes."



"By the way...You seem really worried about them." Akio says, referring to the Male lead and Heroine. "Is the case they're working on really that dangerous? What's it about?"

"..." Yuna shakes her head. "You don't need to know about it, Akio. You're not working with them after all."

"..." Akio pushes on. "And that's enough to not let me know?"

Akio is a curious being. He's a guy into mystery and puzzle solving, while his sister was into romance and comedy. "It's obvious your worried about them, you've been like this since yesterday. You can't hide that from me. Since you've read the novel from start to finish, you already know the case-"

Yuna shakes her head. "The novel is complicated Akio. Its writing style is switching from different perspectives and times. Let's say I was reading chapter 23 which was on December, then chapter 24 will suddenly be July. It switches a lot, challenging the reader to piece the story together."

"That's actually pretty interesting."

Then Akio realized one thing.

"...Oh no." Akio frowns. "You couldn't piece it together, huh?"

Yuna laughs awkwardly and scratches the back of her head. She was probably so focused on the romance aspect rather than the mystery aspect. So in short, she barely knows anything about the case and conspiracy.

"What's the ending?" Akio asks.

Yuna drools. "Vincent and Scarlett get together and do the baby making. Tsundere x Tsundere couple is so wild."

Akio holds himself back from throwing up. He decides it was best to change the subject. "What do you know about the case?"

Yuna shrugs. "Honestly I'm not ashamed to admit I'm dumb. Piecing it together was too much work so my full attention was on the romance parts. However, I can tell you that a large group is the enemy and they're doing drugs and all kinds of shit. I don't really get it."


"Anyways, their goal is purging the city and expanding the human trafficking business."



"Yuna, this is serious! You completely forgot important information that would lead to that!?" And they need Daniel Winters to solve this case didn't they!? Yuna mentioned multiple times that Daniel had critical role in the story! They're going to be doomed without him! And as much as this makes Akio feel guilty, he couldn't help the characters because he isn't the same Daniel anymore. He'll only hold them back.

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