i'm sorry i was a drunken mess...

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"ok, you mentioned earlier that you were supposed to stay here tonight, where's your bag?"

"it's still inside..."

"i'll go get you bag then and you can saty at mine tonight, ok?"

"ok, thank youuuuu." i thank, extending the 'you'.

he went back to the door to grab my bag off of my friends and came back not long after.

"come one, let's get you back to mine, yeah?"

"okkk," i smile.

the drive to jack's house was only about 10 minutes, i hadn't realised how close he lives to my house until now.
we pulled up to his driveway and he hopped out of the car and opened the passenger door to help me out and into the house.

"thank you." i say, smiling at him.

"can't exactly leave you drunk in a ditch now, can i?" he jokes.

"i wasn't in a ditch." i say with a 'humph' at the end of the comment.

"i know, come on, let's sober you up a bit before you go to bed otherwise you're gonna have a wicked hangover in the morning."

"don't give me fizzy shit, i will throw up." i say threateningly, my words still slurring a little.

"i won't, don't worry."

"good." i say with a pout.

we finally reach his front door and walk inside, we're met by his brother, who he then instructed to get me some water and something to eat.

"you don't have to help me," i say, "i can just go back to y/bsf/n's house."

"nope, i need to make sure you're ok and you're already here, sooooo..." he says.

his brother comes back with the water and food and they sit me down at the dining table to the side of the kitchen.

"you want some coffee?" his brother asks.

"eww, i don't like coffee." i say.

"ok, no coffee then. how do we get her sober without coffee?" he asks jack.

"with water and a cold shower. come on, let's get you to the bathroom and show you how to work the shower, yeah?" jack asks.


he takes me to their bathroom, sits me in the bottom of the shower, shows me how to use it, gets me a towel and then leaves me to have a quick cold shower.

the shower seemed to work, i didn't feel as woozy or 'floaty' anymore, so after about 10 minutes, i got out and wrapped the towel jack gave me around myself and wandered out of the bathroom.

"jack!" i shout down the stairs.

"yes?" he says, walking out of his room and resting his arm on his doorframe.

"oh, sorry, i didn't realise you were up here. umm...where do i get changed?"

"in here, i'll go downstairs and grab you the rest of that food." he answers.

"ok, thanks jack." i smile at him before ducking slightly under his arm and going into his bedroom.

i quickly dry myself off and hop into my clothes from my bag that jack had brought up for me. i then hear a knock at the door.

"you sorted?" i hear jack ask through the door.

"yeah, yeah, come in." i call back.

he slowly opens the door and walks in, carrying a plate of food in his hand.

"here, eat this, you'll feel better in the morning if you do, you can sleep in here tonight, i'll take the sofa." he says while handing me the plate.

"you sure? i can take the sofa if you want. i am the guest and this is your bed."

"i'm sure, now go to bed, i'll see you in the morning ok?" he instructed.

"ok," i smile and give him a small hug.

he then leaves the room and i go to sleep.


the next morning i woke up at around 11am, confused and a little bit disorientated.

oh for fucks sake, why'd i get that drunk last night?

i get out of bed and wander into the bathroom to splash some water into my face.

"y/n?" i hear through the hall.

"i'm in the bathroom, one second." i shout back.

i quickly finish up and walk out of the room.

"morning y/n." jack says to me.

i hang my head in embarrassment before looking back up towards him.

"hi..." i begin, "look, i am so sorry for the state i was in last night, i- "

"stop apologising. you got drunk, it happens to everyone, so don't apologise."

"yeah, but not everyone has to be picked up by a guy they've never met before in person."

"i guess that's also true, but it really doesn't matter, at least i know that you're ok."

"thanks jack." i smile, giving him a hug, "wait- i didn't throw up on you, or any of your stuff did i?" a more panicked expression taking over.

"no, you didn't," he laughed.

"oh thank god."

we both laugh and i apologise again.

"i've told ya, stop apologising. you've got nothing to be sorry for ok?"


"you hungry?"

"i feel like if i eat anything, then i will throw up on you." i say, half threateningly, half jokingly.

"drink? water, juice, fizzy, hot chocolate, tea? i didn't offer coffee cause you said last night that you don't like it."

"just some water please."

"you sure you don't want anything plain to eat?" he asks.

"i'm sure."

i then hear my phone ping, i open it to see a text from my mum.

"oh shit- "

cliff hangerrrrr, sort of lol.
i was tempted to start making the speech sound like jack, so a "nothin" instead of "nothing", etc. i then decided against it cause the spell check would be going mad at me.
thanks for reading <3


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