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Present day


The ever present pain in my heart and mostly my head, woke me up earlier than usual and I already know the reason why.

It's this place, being here. Not like being back home in Colorado helps with the nightmares, but just coming back to the place that literally changed my whole life takes a toll on me.

That's why I'm yawning, looking like shit and feeling worse than I look.

"There she is, Mr Yim." Uncle Carl says the second I walk into the hotel restaurant, both men standing up as I take my seat, barely seeing straight.

I'll blame that on the sleeping pills.

"Hello," I force a smile.

Unfortunately, I have a meeting with these two for some shit someone probably mentioned on the flight here, or earlier. Trouble is, I'm in no shape to make deals.

Mr Yim is an Asian record label producer. He's one of the most recognized if not the best they have here in Europe.  He's wanted a meeting with me for years, I can't believe how hell bent he is on me performing at the upcoming soccer tournament.

He extends his hand to me with a smile, "nice to meet you, finally, it's an honor."

"Like wise." I shake his hand. He holds mine a little too long and the smile on his face makes me uncomfortable.

Thankfully, a waitress walks over with our menus making the older man let go. But gasps the second her eyes land on me. Eyes lightning up like a kid on Christmas morning, and I know that look of recognition all too well.

"Oh my gosh!" She exclaims, "you're Veronica Jameson! Oh my God I can't believe it's you!"

That makes me smile, it never gets old.

"Hi." I wave.

"Can I have your autograph? Or maybe a selfie?"

I nod, "of cour--"

"Can we get another waiter?" Uncle Carl yells to the man at the counter, Mr Pierre, who's the head chef, "this one is wasting our time."

"Uncle--" I warn.

I didn't want to come here, to England. I haven't been here in four years, since that.... accident. I don't know how but my uncle managed to tie all ends that would lead to us and we haven't heard from that man I ran over or what happened to him.

Uncle Carl and Dad forced me to come here and sing at the opening game of the tournament. They signed a deal with Mr Yim's friend without informing me because they know I don't want to step a foot in this country but Dad still doesn't know what happened that night. And he never will.

"Relax, it's just a picture."

Uncle Carl scoffs and crosses his arms angrily, "we have a guest, it's not polite."

"I'm sorry Mr Yim," I smile at the man, "it'll only take a minute."

"Go on." He gives me a toothy grin which makes me feel a little uneasy.

After taking a picture with the waitress, she takes our orders even when uncle Carl insists we have someone else serve us.

"Well, Mr Yim has an amazing proposal," uncle Carl starts, "he wants to make a deal with us."

"I'm listening..."

"After performing at the tournament, he wants to talk to a few friends and when we impress them, I say when because we will," he smiles, "we can have a concert in Macau then all over fucking Asia!"

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