Chapter 4

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Xander pov

I could not sleep all night. I waited for her to come to our room. I wanted her to give me justification for her actions. Why she did what she did? Was my love not enough for her? Or did she ever love me? Was I still ready to forgive her?

Yes, I was. I loved her more than that. She never once denied any allegations. I had called my lawyer today with the divorce paper. I did not want to stay in this loveless marriage now. I had already decided that I will give her all the money she wants. But one thing still stayed at the back of my mind. Why had she questioned me if that was the only reason? Was she planning something else too?

I called my Private Investigator to collect information of whereabouts of Sophie from past few weeks. I had to know that besides infidelity was there something else she did after her shift ended.

Calling one of the maid to inform Sophie that the lawyer will be in the study by Ten I headed to take a shower.

I was a broken man, I wanted to cry for the first time after my grandparents passed away but I didnot. I kept reminding myself that she was not worth it.

By the time I reached study Sophie was already in the study with her bags by her side. She was all ready to leave. How easy it must have been for her.

Thomas, my lawyer and best friend came just in time. And when I looked at Sophie she seemed happy. But her eyes were empty.

She hugged Thomas and without bothering to acknowledge me sat down.

I could see disappointment in Thomas eyes. Sophie was like a little sister to Thomas so I knew he would never believe anything I said. But I also knew that he will always choose me over her.

Giving both of us sad smiles Thomas took out the documents and started with the procedure.

"So, Sophie. Xander here is ready to give you any amount of money you want or the properties."

She smiled again. But like everytime her smile didn't reach her eyes.

"Thomas, how is Clara and Stephen?"

Both me and Thomas were caught off guard. Clara was Thomas wife and Stephen their three year old son.

"They are good Sophie. Both of them misses you a lot. Stephen wanted to go out for ice cream with his favourite aunt."

And just for a second I saw an emotion in her eyes before they were cold and empty again.

"I miss them too. Tell them that I really love them. And as for the alimony I want nothing I make enough for myself. Now Thomas can we please get this over with?"

Thomas looked at me as in asking for my permission or giving me a last chance to reconsider. I was already done with this woman but I didn't understand why she was denying the money. Wasn't that the only reason she was with me? Or has she planned something big against me.

She was with you when you had nothing. She was never with you for your money.

My conscience stated which I knew was true. But again she wasn't my old Sophie anymore.

"Sophie, I donot have time for your games. Whatever manipulation you are trying to use is not going to work on me. So take whatever fuck you want and never show me your face again."

Without looking at me she gave a big smile to Thomas.

And that's when I realised.

She wasn't happy.

She was using her defence mechanism that she used against strangers. When she was hurt she hid it beneath her smiles. With me she stopped doing it a long time ago. She would throw a tantrum when she was upset.

But as I saw her smiling again I realised.

We were back to strangers.

But now there was a slight difference.

Earlier her eyes always gave everything away.

In this instant.

Her eyes were empty.

~Trust Me ~ Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon