It's a privilege

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A young woman stepped out of her dormitory. Her classes were over; boring as always for her.

She halts at an intersection, after having wandered for approximately 20 minutes. She stood by, still like a gorgeous statue, the overhead sun somewhat obscured by the man-made forest. Covertly, she looked at two girls clad in trendy, informal dresses.

She continued observing, not faltering once on her heeled feet.


"Hello, Ayanokōji-senpai~," a teasing voice spoke. "It's so nice of you to be waiting for your kouhai. Hehe~."

He leaked a low groan. "I don't need to repeat, it's only respectful to be present when I'm the one who called you." He leaned away from her face which was close to his.

Wordlessly, she followed him, the 'follow me' gesture implied as he cleared his throat. Ichika followed his pace soon after, the two walking in tranquil silence shoulder to shoulder.

"Senpai, don't you think this is leading to something like, a date?" She said, a sharp tug on her mouth curved her lips upwards. Her eyes, twinkling, traced him sideways, as she moved a few strides forwards with her hands crossed behind her.

"Don't keep any such fantasies; ridiculous to hold in mind." He answered in deadpan.

"Uwwah. Senpai is so strict~," she covered her face with her hands dramatically. "You should let a maiden relish in her dreams, Ayanokōji-senpai~" She said, giving him a side-eyed stare.

The two bantered a while further before they turned up at footsteps of Ayanokōji's place.

Ichika stood unmoving behind him as he opened the lock. Then, accompanying him, she got in his room.

"Pardon the intrusion, senpai~" She took off her shoes, glancing through the area in her sight.

"Do you want coffee or tea this time?" Ayanokōji questioned as he treaded towards the kitchen. "In the meantime, sit down."

"Hmm." She murmured as she lets her body sink down on Ayanokōji's bed. "How about strawberry juice, Ayanokōji-senpai?" She proposed, her tone mixed with generosity.

"I'll get what I can offer." With that, he moved in his kitchen to get to preparations.

As he passed in the kitchen, Ichika arched back, glancing at the top, her palms planted by her sides on the bed.

What reason could be for requesting me here so many times? As usual, it's more challenging to get a read on Ayanokōji-senpai's plans. Such insignificant thoughts wandered through her mind.

She waited; at uneven intervals, swinging her limbs.

Shortly, Ayanokōji returned.

He offered her a glass of lemon juice, beads of water droplets running across its surface.

"Hieuu. Ayanokōji-senpai is so mean...." She made an upset face. "I conceded to see you this sweltering time of the day, and you do not even give your kouhai what she requested." Her lips shifted to a charming frown.

"This is simply what I can serve, and I never expressed, in any way, that I'll give you strawberry juice." Exasperation tinged his statement.

He draws a chair near Ichika and settled on it.

The two discussed a few things for the time. The recent exams; the actions of students in their respective class; the strategies of students from different classes; and a few other trivial stuff.

Ichika Amasawa: One-shots, Snippets, and Drabbles, etc.Where stories live. Discover now