Chapter Twenty Seven

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Blair POV.

Heartbreak. Do you ever feel like your dying slowly? That's how I could describe heartbreak. Tonight is New Years, and it will be a night without kisses for me.

I don't even know if Grayson is dating Ashlyn. I don't care enough to ask, him and I are weird. Do you ever see those girls who throw themselves at a guy whose clearly not interested?

Well that's me.

   Grayson has acted like our conversation never happened. He's been texting and calling me like normal. Speaking of the devil, I'm getting a call now.

"Gray," I smile. Fuck. I hate that I smile when I see his name on my phone.

"What are you doing?"

"Laying down, I was taking a nap." I yawn and shift in my sheets.

"So you're in bed right now?" I hear his smirk through the phone.

"Yup," I say popping the p.


"What?" I laugh.

"What are you wearing?" I hear the boys laughter in the background. Clearly Carter, Noah, and Zack can all hear. I look down at my sweats and shirt. I smile, knowing what I was about to do.

See, there are two ways I can play this. I know exactly what he was doing. Doing what Grayson does best, he's playing some sort of game. And I don't know why, but today I've decided to play them just as well. So I simply say, "Nothing."

"What?" He chokes out, clearly not getting the answer he was expecting.

"I like to sleep naked," I say seriously. I hear him take a sharp inhale and I hold in my laugh. "Yea, is it a crime?"


I cut him off, "Anyways, I was preoccupied before you called. So I have to go."


"Bye Gray."

It's less than thirty seconds when I get a text from Grayson.

Carter says you have to send a picture or else it's not true- G

Don't worry though... I punched him for saying that- G

But feel free to send a picture, I won't show them but I would like to know if it's true-G

How's Ashlyn?-B

I knew I shouldn't have said that. I knew I didn't even want to know the answer. But I couldn't help asking, I was just petty. I should of just gone on with the joke, flirt with him, make him interested. But like I usually do, I fucked things up.

Don't know, haven't talked to her since Christmas.- G

You left before we could talk again-G

I didn't know she was coming-G

Is it bad that I believe him? Not that it would be a bad thing if he did know. I mean kind of. He implied that he might have feelings for me, and he did look shock when he was told she was there.

I left half an hour after waiting for him. Him and Ashlyn went outside in the backyard to talk. I, like a dumbass, waited for him. I felt stupid, so I told Emma I didn't feel well and went home.

ok- B

Ok? That's literally all I said. Ok? I wish I could unsend a text message because now I definitely feel stupid.

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