•Chapter Four•

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It was later in the day, I was stood in the kitchen cooking something for dinner, Justin wanted to help so I told him he could cut the peppers. I've been cooking dinner ever since my mum went missing, my dad for the first maybe seven years was never home, he was out looking for our mum and only came home when he needed to get more evidence, as he called it. Ethan used to take care of most things but I didn't want to feel like I wasn't pulling my weight, so I cooked. I'm still in cook mode even though my dads back, I still like to cook for them and to be honest, I'm really good at it.

The house was quiet, all you could hear was the stove and Justin cutting the peppers, my dad was working and I had no idea where Ethan was. The silence was broken by the sound of my dads voice coming through Justin's walk-in-talkie.

"Pc Richard Parker coming through, something that wasn't addressed at the meeting is that you have a curfew, everyone has to be in their homes by 9pm every night, you must remain in your homes until 7am" he informs everyone which just causes me to sigh, now I know they just want to keep us safe but it's getting beyond a joke.

If the wolves or werewolves, want to attack again us, staying in doors isn't going to stop that. It might actually make it easier as we'll all be like sitting ducks, I'm getting a feeling that my dad is actually enjoying this and likes the sense of control he's getting. But of course, my dad is the lead officer so I can't say anything.

Justin finishes cutting the peppers, where he comes up behind me tipping them into the pot. I send him a smile stirring them in just concentrating on the food, he remained behind me his face near my neck and shoulder. I didn't actually think much of it until I hear someone walking in.

"Why are you standing so close to my sister?" I hear Ethan ask, this makes Justin immediately move where I could finally see Ethan.

"He was just helping me cut the peppers for dinner" I say but Ethan still didn't look too pleased with Justin, he shakes his head while opening the fridge.

"I thought you had to stay with your buddy at all times?" I ask trying to change the subject but also was confused, I know we're dads kids but we still have to follow the rules, it isn't fair if we don't.

"I didn't get one, dad thinks I'm more help if I'm always available to catch those things" he explains pulling out an orange juice drinking it, wait it sounds like he's actually believing the whole werewolf situation.

"Wait you actually believe it?" I ask putting the spoon down, he looks at me saying don't you? "No I don't, I'm just playing along so I don't make dad look bad, the video he showed everyone was fake and he changed the photos, they weren't the same as the ones he showed us last night" I say not actually believing I was having to explain myself to him, he was in the room and saw the original photos before dad got them changed.

Ethan places the orange juice down walking over to me, but in an aggressive sort of manner. I take steps away from him while Justin walks closer to me.

"Haven't you thought that maybe this happening is bringing us closer to finding out what happened to mum?" He asks sounding rather annoyed as he spoke, I stare at him confused but annoyed, he picks up on my expression immediately "you never know, they could have seen mum alone that night and took her" he crossing his arms trying to back up his statement, he is actually serious?!

"Our mum took a trip to the shop and was never seen again, that has nothing to do with fake werewolves, I can't believe you would actually try to say they're connected in some way!" I shout finally losing my temper, Justin places his hand on my shoulder using that to tell me to calm down, but I was beyond angry at this point.

"I'm gonna do my research and prove to you that somehow these werewolves are connected to mum, then you'll see maybe dad isn't so crazy" he shouts before he storms out the kitchen, great job at backing up your argument bro!

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