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I woke up to the sun shining in my eyes. Squinting, I noticed lucifer was still asleep in the bed opposite mine.

This could be my chance to escape.

Carefully, I got up and out of bed ensuring I kept an eye on Lucifer the whole time to make sure he was still asleep. As soon as I was fully out of bed I stuffed some pillows under the covers hoping that would buy me some time when he did eventually wake up. I then slowly crept across the room towards the door.

Oh my god, I was really doing this, I was actually gonna escape.

My head was pounding making it hard to see straight but I couldn't let that stop me. I had to do this it was now or never. I moved closer to the edge of the room and leaned on the wall slightly to aid the overwhelming dizziness that came with the headache. Steadily, I made my way towards the door still being extremely careful that I made as little noise as possible. I was almost at the door. delighted, I began to speed up a bit, anxious to make it out and be free. I couldn't believe this was actually happening, I was so close to getting out it was almost too easy.

"And where do you think you're going?"

I stopped dead.

I. Was. So. Close. About 10 steps more and I would have been free. If only I had walked slightly faster maybe I would have made it out. I couldn't believe I got caught just as I actually thought I would escape. My heart was beating so fast I felt like my chest could explode.

That's it, I'm done for. I've blown the only chance I had at getting out now I'm stuck here forever.

I could feel sweat dripping down my forehead as I began to panic. Slowly, I turned to face Lucifer and I saw his dark brown eyes staring me down.

"I, um, I wasn't going anywhere I was just going to the bathroom but you were asleep and I didn't wanna wake you-" I stammered praying he would believe me.

He slowly edged closer to me. I held my breath dreading whatever was going to come next.

Oh god what have I gotten myself into.

"Are you sure about that" He taunted

I just nodded my head, unable to move or do anything else. 

He chuckled taking a step back.

"Well I guess I'll just have to take your word for it" he responded smiling, but it wasn't his usual smile, there was something very unsettling about it. 

Suddenly, he came closer again and leant forwards so he was right up against me.

"However," he whispered in my ear "If you ever try to escape, know there will be consequences so I advise you accept your position and stay in line." He moved back smirking before grabbing my hand and dragging me back away from the door.

I let out a breath I forgot I was holding, thanking the heavens I got away without any sort of punishment. I had to be a lot more careful next time but I wasn't giving up yet.

He took me back to the bed where there was a tank top and shorts which he demanded I wear. Thankfully, he then went to the bathroom giving me some privacy. I quickly changed, unsure when he was gonna come back out, then sat on the bed and waited. He returned about 5 minutes later wearing dark green shorts and a white T-shirt. He looked me up and down with a smirk making me very uncomfortable but I had to ignore it, there was nothing I could do.

"You look beautiful" he remarked, still staring at me "Now, we are leaving at 12:00 which is in 3 hours, so how about you watch whatever you want on the TV while I pack our bags ok?"

I just nodded trying to make sense of what he just said.

Where the hell are we going now?

Hi, hope you are enjoying this story so far, let me know what you think or how you think i could improve because that would help a lot as thus is my first book.

For the next chapter I'm considering doing a different POV so it would be either Lucifer's POV or Noelle's POV. Please let me know in the comments which one you would prefer or if you would prefer to stay with Skylar's POV because I can't decide😅

Anyways thanks for reading my book, please upvote it if you like it👍

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