2.Launch into Curiousity

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Cecilia heard a bird loudly chirping outside.At first she did not mind it but it is getting louder and louder every minute.She woke up but did not saw the bird but saw an old pic of a witch with a purple big necklace.She did not mind it because it was her schedule for studying even though there was no class.While she was studying her lessons a frame frome the top of her cabinet fell.When she saw the pic she was surprised.She saw herself and her grandmother holding each other but there was someting that caught Cecilia's attention.She saw the same purple necklace on her grandma's neck that was also in the witch's hand.Her grandma already passed away a few years ago,thats why Cecilia started crying tears because she missed her so much.Her auntie arrived and immediately hugged her when she saw her crying.She understand rightaway the reason when she saw her holding the photo frame.Her Auntie comforted her and told her to move on.Cecilia continued studying.She slept early even though it was not night yet.Later on,She dreamed of a girl whom she met on the backyard.She hold Cecilia's hand toward a magical castle where there is a sea with many sea shells on the back They took a rest on a moving tree because the castle was far.The moving tree started talking.The Tree entertained them which made them stay there until night time.The two started running to the mystery palace.
When they reachd the gate,a bad witch appeared and blocked them."A secret will be revealed from now on my Dear"the witch shouted.The witch then called snakes and monsters and attacked the two girls.Cecilia woked up with fear and taught it was real.It was already morning so Cecilia decided to get up.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2021 ⏰

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