The Beginning

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" Why can't I just borrow some damn money ," Tiffany yelled at me
I started " For two reasons one you still owe me from my birthday when you choose not to bring any money and I had to pay for everything, and two your only nice to me when you want something."
Tiffany and I went way back. We used to play soccer together when I was in 3rd and she was in 2nd grade. After our parents bonded we started to bond over time. She had always acted differently around me and when she was with her mom. I knew she was different somehow. She always had tried to use reverse psychology on me but I wouldn't put up with it. For example when we walked to our parents car when we got off the bus she would be like I dare you to go ding dong ditch a certain house and if I didn't she would threaten me she wouldn't be my friend anymore or tell people at school about little things like when my dad was away on business I would sleep with my mom because I wanted to or that my cousin lives with me. To me this stuff was so petty and childish. It's like have more friends than just you. I don't need you. So this is just the background of Tiffany over the next year or so her mom and my mom decided that she should go to school with. And oh boy oh boy I could just imagine it being a royal pain in the butt. And man it was and still is. When she first had came to my school she was nothing without me. She made me hang out with her every day. It was like I didn't have a life just to give her one of her own. Even when her mother picked us up she would ask to hang out with her. After I helped her get some friends I could return to the life that I wanted to live.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11, 2015 ⏰

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