Epilogue: One Year Later

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Diana's POV

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Diana's POV

It's been a year. Today is the quadruplets birthday. Greyson has already celebrate his first birthday. The twins birthday is in a few days. Pearl looks just like me or what my father said I'd look like as a baby. Riven has my skin tone and lighter hair then his siblings. Storm and Dusk look very much alike, but with different hair lines.

Anyway I just finished dressing the quadruplets for their party. Elijah enters the room. "Are you ready?" he asks me.

"Yes and so are the little ones" I tell him. He picks up Pearl who squeals happily hugging him around his neck. "Such a daddies girl" I say as I pick up Dusk. Who hugs me.

"Mumma's boy" Elijah says. He picks up Storm and I pick up Riven. We go to the back yard where the guests have already arrived. We place the babies down. The go play with the other babies. I notice Greyson handing Pearl a flower.

"I think we have a future mated couple there" I tell Elijah nodding to the pair.

"No" he says glaring at them and I slap his shoulder.

"You won't have a say in the matter if they really are mates" I state.

"What about those four?" he asks nodding at the twins, Riven and Storm. Who are having a tea party. I Dusk by himself. Until a little girl approaches him. They took briefly and go to the sand pit and start to make a sand castle.

"I think all our babies are find mates" I tell him with a smile.

"They are growing up to fast" Ariel says as she joins us with Ginny and their mates.

"She's right, in no time we'll be celebrating our grandchildren first birthdays" Ginny adds.

"Speaking of children. Charlie and I are expecting our second pup" Ariel says. Ginny and I squeal hugging her. As Jack and Elijah congratulate Charlie.

"Does Greyson know yet?" Ginny asks her.

"Yes, he can't wait to be a big brother" Ariel states. Pearl comes over with Greyson.

"Pup?" Pearl asks Ariel pointing at her stomach.

"Yes little one" Ariel tells her. Pearl smiles and leaves with Greyson. "Ginny you don't mind looking after Greyson for me? Do you?" she asks her.

"Of course not" Ginny tells her. The party continues on. Soon cake is served and the quadruplets open their presents. Their favourite being the two pups, one kitten and a pony. Riven and Storm got a Terrier puppy each. Pearl got the pony and Dusk the kitten. Each were allowed to have one pet each, any pet they wanted. Though Elijah and I will be en-charge of their training as the kids are to young to do it themselves.

Anyway the guests start to leave as the birthday boys and girl grow tired. Ariel and Ginny are staying the night with their families. The kids are all napping. When Elijah does something unexpected. He gets on one knee in front of me.

"Diana, we have been together for nearly two years. I know we're mates and have four amazing pups. But I want us to be together in every way. So will you do me to supreme honour of becoming my wife?" Elijah asks me.

"Yes" I say and he puts the ring on my finger. We kiss and he spins me around. Our friends congratulate us. We then start a movie marathon. The babies soon wake up as it's dinner time and we all have dinner. Then we watch Aladdin until the kids fall asleep. We put them all to bed and continue our movie marathon. We all fall asleep in the den.

(Time skip)

Ariel gave birth to a little girl she named Lillie

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Ariel gave birth to a little girl she named Lillie. She is now a human baby. Greyson loves his little sister and the twins love their new cousin. Dusk also loves holding her.

And Elijah & I are getting married today. The twins and Pearl are my flower girls as Ariel is my brides maid with Ginny. Riven and Storm are the ring bearers. While Dusk walks me down the aisle with my father.

The wedding ceremony was beautiful under the full moon. Elijah and I wrote our own vows. We then had a ball and a feast for the reception. Before Elijah and I left for our three week long honeymoon. My father and Elijah's parents look after the quadruplets while we are away.

When we returned from our honeymoon we discovered I was pregnant with our fifth child. We had another little girl. We named her Ebony.

A few months after Ebony turned human

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A few months after Ebony turned human. Elijah and I took our rightful places as king and Queen of all wolves. Ariel and Ginny taking their rightful places as our SIC and TIC with their mates. Elijah and my pups were crowned princes and princesses of all wolves.

Many years later. The twins became Riven & Storm's mates. As Pearl mated with Greyson. Dusk discovered Lillie is his mate and not his best friend Dawn.But he didn't do anything about it until Lillie turned eighteen. Ebony turned out to be mates with a rogue, but we accepted him into the royal pack. Even though his mother tried to kill Elijah. We all lived happily ever after.


Picture above of the quadruplets and in the chapter of Greyson with the twins. Pictures in the chapter of Lillie and Ebony.

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