Chapter 6[edited]

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Hey, so I have only given inspirational pictures of what I think Lilly and Jace look like, would you want to see some more pictures for other people? 

Jace's POV

As I walked out of my room, well hopefully soon it will be our room a small smile made its way to my face. It was so adorable when my princess grabbed my shirt, she didn't want me to be away from her for long. She doesn't have to worry though because I never want to be away from her, she's mine now and forever. As I step down the last step, I pull my emotionless facade back onto my face. 

I walk into the den and everyone looks up, I think Hawk told them about Lilly. I look and see Runner raising his eyebrows and giving me a small smile, yeah that prospect told the whole club about me claiming princess. I walk through all the people hanging around the bar area and go into the kitchen. I see a lot of my brothers hanging around waiting for their old ladies and ice. the only ones who can cook, to finish breakfast. I go up to Ivey, Acid's old lady,

"Can I have 2 breakfast plates, please?" I ask trying to be polite,

the entire room went silent and everyone looked up at me shocked, most of the brothers had never heard me speak before,

"Ummm yeah, sure sure of course," Ivey stuttered out, obviously startled by me speaking to her, she turns around and got together 2 breakfast trays.

"so Hawk told me something interesting ripper, he said you walked out of the house with a girl and then claimed that girl as your old lady, isn't that interesting?" Acid taunts, amusement dancing in his eyes

"no, princess is mine, and don't come near my room she's staying with me. And leave Jonah for me he's going to wish he was never born after I've finished. He should never have touched what is mine. " I growled out, thinking about what he put my princess through,

"Don't worry ripper he's patiently waiting downstairs for you," Prez replied calmly, ignoring my anger.

"here you go, ripper," Ivey says handing me 2 plates of steaming food "I'll leave some clothes outside your room for your old lady if that's okay?"

I had completely forgotten that Lilly didn't have any clothes. I start to get antsy subtly searching for my knife, I needed to punish myself for not considering it. I have to make sure I look after her better than anyone else can. 

"Yeah thanks, you can leave them at the end of the hallway, I'll pick them up" as much as I'd love for her to only wear my clothes I know she needs some stuff for herself.

"Okay, just ask if you or your women need anything," Ivey says smiling at me,

Holding the tray full of breakfast, I carefully run upstairs to Lilly. 

I come back into the room to her hugging my pillow and whimpering slightly, oh no is she having another nightmare. I put the plates down on the desk and sit next to my princess lightly shaking her, she jolts awake breathing hard,

"Hey, hey, I'm here baby, you're safe, I'm here, I've got you," I say trying to comfort her. 

She's still whimpering quietly I don't like her being scared. I slowly wrap my arms around her small shuddering body and bring her close to my chest. Her hands grab my shirt and she snuggles her head into my neck and I hear her breath eventually even out. As much as I hate it I pull her head out of my shoulder and whisper,

"I got us some breakfast love, Ivey made it for us, she's also going to drop off some clothes for you," I explain,

"I..Ivey?" she asks timidly 

"yeah, Ivey, she's Prez's old lady" I answer

"o..okay, w..where are w...we? I..I r..remember yo..ou saying we were going to the but no...othing else" she shyly asks, as if she doesn't want me to get angry for asking a question, I don't like it she should have been treated like the princess she is and in the future, I'm going to make sure she is.

She tries to wiggle out of my arms, does she think I'm angry at her?

"I'm not angry at you, I'm angry that you think you can't ask questions I'm angry that people didn't treat you right" I explained, she gives me a small smile in return.

"But to answer your question, I'm an enforcer for the Angels of dark MC, I don't know what you know about motorcycle clubs but we're one of the good guys, I promise no one here will ever hurt you. and we are currently in my room in the clubhouse, almost all of the brothers live here but there are a few that have their own place with their old ladies.  Old ladies are the girls that are claimed by brothers.  I know you probably don't want to be around many people at the moment especially men so I told them to steer clear of our room, but when you feel you're ready I could introduce you to a couple of members at a time, the old ladies what to meet you, seeing as you're the newest member of the pride" I say whispering the last part.

She doesn't say anything just takes in the information I can practically see her brain running a hundred miles an hour, her eyes are like a portal into her mind. I love it, I love that I can see what she's thinking so easily.

"but for now I think we should just focus on having some breakfast and then you can go back to sleep if you're still sleepy okay?"


I bring the trays over from the desk,

"so we've got bacon, hashbrowns, pancakes with syrup, and of course sausages. what do you want first?" I ask,

" C...could I...I h...have pancakes with b...bacon please?" she's still nervous, that's not good, I'll make sure she's comfortable around me,

"of course princess"

so I start feeding my baby her food and she seems to be enjoying it, that's good. Princess is almost halfway through her pancakes but she starts to shake her head and move the plate away. What's wrong? Is there something wrong with the food?

"Is something wrong?" I ask hoping its nothing,

"I...I can't anyor..ore my t...tummy hurts, I..I haven't e...eaten this m....much in y...years" when she says this it makes the ripper call out, telling me to go and get revenge for her, go make that bastard pay. But he has to wait, for now, I have to make sure she's okay first, then we'll start his torture. She's more important.

"okay baby we need to make sure you're eating more but we don't want to hurt your tummy so we'll start slowly and each day you'll eat more and in no time at all we'll have you back to eating full meals. but for now, could you just eat the rest of that slice of bacon and 2 more bites of the pancake is that good?"

"I..I'll tr...try"

So I feed her the rest of her food and she looks ready to fall asleep again so I take her tray and gently lean her back down on the bed.

I lie down next to her and let her snuggle into my chest and fall asleep. I love the way her touch feels on me, it feels like home. I stay with her until I'm sure she's deep asleep then I carefully untangle myself. I stand up and take off my shirt and putting it over my pillow and letting her hold it. Hopefully, that will keep her calm for a couple of hours because me and the ripper need to go and start Mr William's torture before we start cutting again and I don't want to scare my princess.


(1382 words)

hi everyone, I just want to say thank you for 300 reads, I hope you're enjoying this book so far. remember to comment if u see any grammar or spelling mistakes.

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thank you, Heidi, xoxo

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