56: Use the bait

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Ignore mistakes please

Third person P.O.V

"I'm still not much impressed Jeon." Namjoon rubbed his temples while taking a sip from his now-cold coffee. It was about evening time, and they were talking for hours.

Jungkook scoffed and rolled his eyes but his trance changed suddenly and an undefined emotion passed through his eyes. Namjoon did notice the change but kept quiet because it was for the second time during the whole conversation. Little did he know that other was listening to the cries of the certain boy.

"I'm talking to you." Namjoon pressed the word 'you' when he felt other was spacing out.

Jungkook blinked his eyes and nodded his head lightly.

"We need to do it quickly Kim. I just want to end it now. This time before any big loss." Jungkook stated with a very serious tone in his deep tone. If Namjoon wasn't a cop, he might've felt afraid of the tone.

"Ok. Then what exactly do you want from me now? First, I don't actually believe in your words being used all these years, and second, even if I do, how can I convince the higher officials?" Jungkook silently listened to the reasons. Well, it was true, he really needed solid proof to lay out the matter, or else, he might lose his job as a cop.

"That's why I told you to stop this. I'm really not the type to put my burden on someone else's shoulder. I'm willing to have the fruit that I earned while giving the other who actually deserves the real treat." He gestured towards the recorder. His clenched fists were almost scratching over the edge of the table.

Namjoon sighed and blew the air while thinking hard.

"That's not easy Jeon. They won't allow me-"

"Do you ever care about that innocent boy who you dragged into this mess? Do you've any idea what is happening to him?" Jungkook seethed, losing his little calm and Namjoon just looked elsewhere in the small cabin.

Jungkook snickered at that and leaned back on the chair that was now getting uncomfortable because of sitting there for more than 20 hours.

"Where is he, Jeon?" Namjoon asked after a while.

"Somewhere safe. For now, you don't need to worry about them. But, this can't go like that ever." Jungkook spatted back in anger. He was really pissed because of that whole plan still.

"Ok. Fine! But answer me one thing. If you're aware of everything, why have you never tried to step ahead before? This much late, why?" Jungkook's eyes softened on that and he lightly smiled.

"Because I wanted to enjoy while it was lasting." Namjoon was about to open his mouth when a frantic Jin barged into the cabin.

"Joon! Taehyung is nowhere to be found." Jin informed with his eyes blown wide in worry and concern but he frowned when he noticed the lack of response.


"He is safe Jiniee." Namjoon softly assured as he got up to pat the other's shoulder in a comforting manner. Jin was still frowning but got the hint when Namjoon gestured towards Jungkook who was again spacing out.

"He did that?" Jin's question was answered by a simple nod.

"Jeon-" Namjoon stopped him before he could punch the other.

"He isn't the real one we are looking for."

Jin's mouth went agape as Namjoon narrated the Jungkook's reasons and all.

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