Saving Freya

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Souline's POV

I walked towards her as best as I could , I know I was walking really slow and limping .. but time slowed down .

I felt like I was walking in slow motion towards her , time slowed down . I know what was about to happen . I touched my belly , one last time.

I prayed up to the moon goddess as she knew what I asked of her ,Begged of her.

" SOULINE " I heard Ares panicked voice yell

But I ignored him as I knew he knew what I was about to do .

I continued to walk towards her sucking in the pain , I could now feel everyone's eyes on me . After what felt like hours , I finally reached her and I felt as my brothers ran towards me trying to stop me from doing what I was about to do .

I put my hand up stopping them from moving , freezing them . All they could do now was stare and watch what I was about to do .

" Soul please " said Nick .

As I got to Freya I looked behind me and looked at my brothers and my dad who was beside them .

I just gave them a smile , as tears started to fall . I whispered " i love you " as I turned back around but not before I turned to look at Ares one more time to see his anger and sadness .

I finally looked at Jaxon who was a few feet away , I looked at him .... I looked at his eyes , his lips , his hair , everything about him .

I gave him a small smile as I dropped down to my knees hard hurting myself more in the process .

I looked down at Freya too see her looking up at me with tears in her eyes as she held on to her stomach .

She shook her head no , but I just smiled down at her and told her she would be ok .

" S-Soul , n-no " she whispered

" it's ok , you will be ok " I whispered as I pushed the hair out her face .

" S-Soul what are you doing " I heard Jaxons panicked voice ask .

I looked up at him one more time and gave him a small smile .

The tears were pouring down my face now , I moved her hand slowly not wanting to hurt her more I placed my hand over her wound as I took in a breath .

" S-Souline " he yelled But I ignored him .

" STOP " he yelled again .

" BABY , PLEASE STOP " he yelled and started running towards me , finally realizing what was about to happen .

But I did to him the same thing I did to my brothers and he fell to his knees as he looked at me through his tears .

I looked to the side and looked at Ares , before opening my mind link .

" they will be ok " I told him through the link .

" who will be ok—" he asked but I cut the link .

I knew that I was too weak to do this , I knew I wouldn't survive . The energy from this and then the pain that it's going to bring me . I will not survive .

But my babies will , I know she will make sure they are ok . That's the only reason I'm doing this , because my babies will be ok and Freya will be ok . Even if I'm not .

I looked up at the sky praying to her one more time , I took one last breath as I began . My eyes slammed shut as I felt it .. i felt it pouring in through my veins. I started to feel the pain , I started to feel what she was feeling . I started to feel the wound coming onto me causing me to shake at the pain I was feeling through my body right now .

I could hear Jaxon screaming at me to stop , but I couldn't . He would not be ok if he lost his sister. He already lost her once . He'll be ok without me .

The pain became unbearable, as I started to shake more and I bent forward as I continued to heal her .

I opened my eyes and looked down to see if I was almost done , I continued to heal her as I felt myself slipping away . But I had to heal her as much as I could so she could survive.

" SOULINE " i heard Jaxon cry out

And all I could do was cry , cry from the pain , cry from knowing this was it , and cry because I knew that I would never get to see my babies or know what they were .

I looked up at Jaxon as I knew this was it , our eyes connected and I whispered " I love you " before I felt myself take my last breath and saw Jaxon slowly disappear .

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