Part 2

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After listening Hobi's direction jk turns his car towords that famous cafe. jk arrived at cafe ,which was surrounding by beautiful cherry blossom's trees jk comes out from his car after setting his tie he took steps ahead. while walking he finds a beautiful couple who was sitting there along with their kids they  all were looking super happy, it seemed they were living a perfect happy ideal life, jk also wantd to live such kind of family life, but it was only possible in his dreams, because in the presence of Lisa it seemed impossible.
only God knows that beautiful interaction among that family was how much refreshing jk soul, he wantd to lock those beautiful moment for his family, he desperately wantd to experience and cherish those stress free moments.

Jk:-will I be ever succeed to experience all this in my life or not....he thought.

Jimin:-May i help you sir ? Jimin said  coughing fake for snapping his customer from his deep thoughts.

Jk:-yes you may please bring me anything which is available right now.
and yeah one more thing don't forget to grabe for me a cup of black strong coffee.

Jimin:-alright sir... after saying jimin  went to the cafe kitchen counter.

Jimon instantly came back

Jimin:- sir other things are ready instead of coffee give us only 5 minutes we will bring it for you.

Jk:- alright I will wait but make sure don't take too much time because I am in hurry

Jimin:-tae please make a cup of strong black coffee.

Tae:-can't you see I am practicing my presentation so don't distrub me

Jimin:-come on tae I am also busy in making amulet because you are also perfect in making strong black coffee so please do it I am requesting you.

Tae:-ok stop your overacting I am making it.

Tae:-your strong coffee is ready now go to serve it.
Jimin:-sir it's your strongblack coffee I am sure you will like it you need something else.

Jk:-no thanks.
Jimin:-poor guy  he is eating like he had never seen or taste tasty food in ages I am feeling pity on him.


Jimin:-can't you see him just look straight forward in your direction.

Tae:-oh that person who is wearing black suit and sitting in the last row

Jimin:-yes I am talking about him look how he is digging food.

Tae:-stupid he must be in rush that's why he is digging like that stop feeling pity on those rich asholees your previous boyfriend was also rich ass who cheated on you after gaining benifits from you.

Jimin:-please don't take that bastard name again I hate him.
Jk:-yes Lisa now what happened?
why are you calling me?
don't you know i am busy right now?

Lisa:-why you didn't take this trash along with you? she is continually crying and my head is about to blast.

Jk:-she must be hungry just feed her something.

Lisa:-I am not gonna do this because I don't know how to make her feeder.

Jk:-for God sake Lisa you have internet access you can easily learn from them i am far away from you i cant come there just for feeding her it was all your fault why you fired all servants now look after her untill I come back from office...After saying he slammed his phone on the table.

Jimin:-tae have you noticed he is fighting with someone.
He also slammed his phone on table I think his GF cheated on him

Tae:-stop poking your nose into otheres' s issues just focus on your work chimin

Suddenly one naughty thought came into Jimin mind

Jimin:-so last night you were saying you need some money ?

Tae:-yes of course I am still repeating it I need 5 thousand for taking part in singing competition.

jimin:- well I can help you but I have a condition...jimin said wearing devlish smile.

Tae:-really... tell me tell me what is that condition?
I am willing to do anything for  participating in that show.

jimin:-For getting 5000 you just only need to kiss that rich ass.

Tae:-what? No way i am not gonna do such stupid things... have you got mad?

Jimin:-so you don't wanna participate in the singing show...I heard that show is gonna telecast in korea national chancel.

Tae:-I wanna badly be part of that show... but I can't take any risk can't you see how angry he is looking right now?

Jimin:-come on tae it will be fun you have to do that you are disappointing me I thought you are enough brave and miture to accept my challenge proved me wrong.

Tae:-don't underestimate my power, I can surely do that please prepare my meney I am gonna put my self into trouble because I am trouble maker.

Jimin:-hey you trouble maker keep in your mind you are gonna share French kiss not baby kiss.

Tae:-whatever chimin.

Tae:-sir Bill

Jk:-how much?


Jk:-take this...jk said throwing 1000 note on the table

Tae:-sir but it's 1000 this is morning time and we don't have exchange.

Jk:-its ok after paying 530 you can keep rest of them into your pocket as a tip... by the  way coffee was great.

Tae:-thanks sir but we  can't take tips

Jk:-then distribute them among bagers.

Jk was about to stand up from his seat when tae stopped him by saying.

Tae:-sir your mobile dropped down though it was false because mobile was in jk's hand's grip... tae intentionally did that for grabbing jk's attention.

After listening tae jk immediately truns back for telling tae that his mobile is in his hand.

But tae was already prepare about his plan as jk truns back to face  tae...tae immediately pulled jk close to him and filled gap between both of them and splashed his soft jusy pink lips over  jk this all happend within seconds so jk couldn't get understand that, actually whats happening around of him.

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