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"A book concert ?"

Another day of working in the office.

This morning, (Y/n) had come up with an idea for the art center opening event and tried to suggest it.

She nods, "Yes, why don't we invite an author that will draw attention, for the art center opening event ?'

"Gathering attention by inviting an author, huh ?" Levi hummed, he seems to be in a deep thought as he thinks about the possibilities, "then how about J.K. Rowling who wrote Harry Potter ? Or Hajime Isayama ?"

"Both Hajime Isayama and J.K. Rowling are brilliant ideas, but I think The B-"

(Y/n) shuts her mouth, 'if I do mention The Boy Wonder but can't get him, that'll end up anything but good.'

Levi notices her secretary spacing off before him, "'The' what ?"

"The.. The author that'll be the star guest needs to be searched through again, sir."

He squints his cold eyes at her, "a plan with no back-up options, that's very unlike you, Ms. (L/n)." Levi knows 80% of her personality like the back of his hand. It's easy to tell when she's hesitant about something.

"Just a little more time," (Y/n) sends him an apologetic smile, "and I won't disappoint you, sir."

"Alright, do-"


Levi ditches their conversation and takes a peek at his newly popped up notification.


I'm at your building, I'll be right up, captain.

If it wasn't for (Y/n)'s presence in front of him, Levi would have crushed the phone in his grasp. He then glances back and forth from the message to (Y/n).

The vice president abruptly stood up from his chair, "Ms. (L/n)."

"Yes sir ?"

"Did you know that your brain consumes one-fourth of your daily calorie intake ?"

(Y/n)'s quite taken back by this sudden unordinary question, "P-pardon ?"

"After working my brains off, seeing some brats that cannot do their job properly, I'm feeling a bit hungry."

"Oh ok, I'll go prepare some snacks-"

"No," Levi stopped her, "I already know what I want. Go to McDonalds right now and get me the most expensive and the least popular items from the menu, along with two new large and medium french fries that's 'freshly deep-fried'" he quoted.

She blinked, mouth opened wide, "W-what ?"

"And on your way back, purchase both iced and hot Americano with an extra shot and a latte with two extra shots from Starbucks. No need to rush, so take your time." Levi emphasized.


"And get me two packets of sugar and two straws, and five napkins each."

"Mr. Ackerman," (Y/n) takes a step back, "just what are you-"

"That's an order. NOW GO !" He barked.

"Yes sir !"

With a mortified face, (Y/n) scrambles off from his sight, but turns out Levi has another.. order.

"Take the emergency stairs, and not the elevator !"

"Wait what ??"

"I don't give a shit, think of it as a workout. Run right away !"

What's wrong with Levi's Secretary ?  [Levi x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now