~•Your Best Friend•~

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Cameron is your best friend.

Neil is a bit hyper and energetic, so being able to chill out and hang with Cameron is almost a relief. While, he is very serious and up tight, you don't mind. He knows how to have a deep and meaningful conversation, help you with your homework and even do your laundry for you. Only if asked of course.

He's surprisingly good with advice, which is one of the main reasons the two of you become friends in the first place. You had stuff to talk about and problems to fix, and he was a great listener and an even better advice giver. Charlie had actually sent you off to Cameron one day when you needed someone to talk to, and ever sense then, the two of you became inseparable.


Knox is your best friend.

Talking to him about all the stuff that goes on at other schools is exciting. It's not really gossip, just him telling you all about each of the popular kids, party's he's attended and such. Which always makes you feel like a normal teenager again, hearing all about each of Knox's crushes, who he's jealous of and who has the most money.

While those aren't big topics between you and Todd, they sure are between you and Knox.

It's like Knox makes you feel like you are apart of the popular group, like teenagers in films. And that's extremely enjoyable.


Pitts is your best friend.

Gerard is extremely sassy and not afraid to say what's on his mind. Very passive aggressive and you could often be the exact same way. So the two of you often teamed up to absolutely destroy the shit out of the others with sassy and quick remarks.

One day, you were joking around with Meeks, he just wouldn't stop correcting your grammar, and that's when you just spat out "Oooh, Meeks, you're so cool, you know when to say 'Pitts and I'." And immediately, without hesitation, Pitts joined in on your little game. And after that, you two grew a close friendship.


Todd is your best friend.

You had started taking an advanced algebra class, so sure that when you signed up, you were totally ready for what ever this class had to bring on. But boy were you wrong.

Your boyfriend, Meeks, agreed to tutor you, also specifying that there was a friend of his that would also be joining the two of you. Todd.

And that's when you met Todd. You both quickly bonded over your incapability to algebra. And that blossomed into the two of you chatting about other shared interest, and then that quickly grew into the two of you hanging out on your own free time. And after that, you easily started getting the question "Are you here for Meeks or Todd?" When you arrived at Welton.


Neil is your best friend.

Neil was out going and confident which brought the two of you together. He taught you how to stand proud, like himself, and to not worry about what others think.

You always hear from Pitts how pretty and attractive you are, but hearing it from a someone else, who isn't obligated and required to compliment you, is always an ego boost. And Neil is also actually great with fashion and style, so he often goes shopping with you and helps find the perfect outfits.

And seeing you walk between these two giants is the funniest sight ever.


Charlie is your best friend.

When you hang out with Charlie, it's like watching two children run around the halls of Welton. Cameron try's to keep the two of you apart, watching and experiencing some of the trouble the two of you get into while hanging out together, but he can never seem succeed.

You like to pull pranks and piss of teachers when your with Charlie. Things you wouldn't usally get up to with Cameron. While Cameron can be fun and loosefrom time to time, Charlie's like that all the time, and you like the thrill of it.

"How did you score them as a significant other?" Is a famous line from Charlie Dalton as he teases Cameron.


Meeks is your best friend.

Meeks loves to gossip, more than Knox usually would. He spills all the rumors and drama going around school, telling you who did what and who said what when. It's always exciting to hear about random people's lives.

He will also be honest about your outfits, telling you what looks good and what doesn't, when Knox usually just says "you look nice." Meeks' comments always help you figure out what actually "looks nice".

You've become extremely comfortable around Meeks, your friendship growing from a "I'll wave when I see you" and eventually to a "let's meet up ever Tuesday, make tea, and I'll tell you everything" kind of thing.


~Be excellent to each other and party on, dudes!

~Written on July 9th, 2021

~Word count: 836

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