𝐈. Philia- Eighteen

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The sun followed me around today.  In the kitchen, standing over the press to make Jane's coffee, while waiting by the toaster, it burned my back. I had been dodging it all day, another June afternoon passing without a cloud in the sky.

As promised, Jane slept in. Halfway up the stairs I could hear her soft snores, the slightest ruffle of the comforter as I reached the small landing. I had expected, after morning came and went, she'd be up. But now it was nearly four in the afternoon and she still hadn't come down.

I shook my head, setting the coffee and slices of toast on a nearby table. Walking over to the window, I pulled the smooth fabric of the curtain back. Immediately she sat up, hissing. "I hate to disturb the elderly but you've been in bed all day and I think you could go for some fresh air, a nice meal, and..." I stopped at her bedside, scrunching my nose, "a sponge bath."

She launched a pillow at me and huffed. The nightgown she had worn twisting and tying around her stomach. "Fuck! Did the AC go out again?"

I nodded. My eyes fixed on the pale pink of her breast that threatened to expose. "Yep. I'll bring you up a fan." I quickly turned to the steps when she called out.

"You don't have to leave." She patted the spot next to her.

I walked over, hesitantly settling against the headboard. "Are you finally deciding to be nice to me?"

Jane fell back, wiping her head then reaching for the small mug. "I just wanted the company but I'm thinking that might've been a mistake now." She took a sip, groaning, "but you do make a good cup of coffee so I'll let you stay."

I giggled, pulling myself higher on the pillows as she nurtured her mug.

"Your sleeping trick worked. I slept through the rest of the night." I said proudly.

"Oh, yeah? You were cuddled to me like a koala I would've hoped it was some good sleep you were getting." She looked over, the top of her lip curling.

My cheeks hardened, "I was unconscious."

"You were adorable. I had to wedge a pillow between your arms to escape."

"You shouldn't have, I was comfortable."

"Yeah, well, the elderly need real beds to sleep in." She crumpled, taking a bite of her toast. "I said take care of breakfast and you brought me bread."

I shrugged, eyeing the almost burnt piece of toast slobbered in jam. "It would've been something different if you were awake. Now you get this."

She reluctantly took another bite. "You're cooking dinner then."

Grinning, "Deal."

The rest of her cup was finished in the quiet and solace of her bed. Our legs touched, bodies close together even if it were for the heat.

"You know, I had the weirdest dream last night." She spoke.

"What about?" I turned to look at her.

"I-I don't know. It's all blurry now. But there was this little girl, and she had the bluest eyes I've ever seen."

"You've never seen her before?"

"No. And she looked like this doll." She rubbed her head, the confusion seen in her scrunched up nose and tight lips. She pondered for awhile, continuing the story, "...after that it just got weird. An angel with a blacked-out face appeared and took me away in a carriage."

I shifted, somehow that brought me closer though she did nothing to change it. "Seems scary."

She leaned into me, her head just shy of lying on my shoulder. "I thought so, but then you appeared and everything felt alright again."

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