Chapter 44

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I feel so thirsty and it was make me get up from the bed and I start to look around if the maids left a glass of water in here but I didn't see a glass of water here

Then I look at the clock and it's already late and for sure everyone was sleeping and I start to get up to walk out from the room but something drop at the floor and I look what is it and I just grab and look what is it

It was a frame, a frame of me and her?

Ohh this is her and me, I looks fierce man here and it's looks our first picture together

The half glass of the frame was broke and it was on Tzuyu's side Picture and I just put it at the desk and get out from the room and walk downstairs and to go in the dinning area to drink a water

Then I look down and I stop when I saw a blood at the floor and I just follow that blood right now and where's the blood will Brought me and when the blood stop near at the counter

I look up and found her and found her wrist have a lot of cut and it was made me shock and I immediately go to her and check her pulse at her neck and she still breathing and I immediately call the maids in shout way and they start to get out from the maids room

"Immediately prepare the car we going in hospital right now!" I said and they obey me and I start to lift her bridal style and the maid told me the car was already prepared outside and I start to get out from the mansion while lifting the faint tzuyu

Then the guard immediately open the door and we start to get inside at the car

"Fast driving!" I said to the driver and her head was just laid at my thighs right now and I immediately grab the handkerchief at my pocket and grab her wrist and i start to put the handkerchief on the cuts on her wrist

Aish what is this girl thinking of? She trying to kill herself, aishhh

*At Hospital*

I'm waiting outside the operation room right now that my shirt have a bloods stains because of the cuts on her wrist and I just biting my nails and I look at the operation room and see the doctor start to get out and I walk towards on him

"How's tzuyu doc?"

"She's fine and we already fix the injure on her wrist, and please Mr. Kim, don't let your wife think like that again, it's her lucky that some of her roots on her wrists is not affect by having a cuts on her wrist"

"Thank you for advice doc"

"Ok, I will go first and the nurse will brought her at the VIP room to take a rest" the doctor said and I nodded and he start to walk away from my place and I just breath out

"Taehyung!" I heard someone called me and I look back and found our friends and they run towards on me

"What happened? What happened to tzuyu? Where is she now?" Jungkook said, I already know them because Jin told me about them

"The doctor said that the nurse will brought her in VIP room and she already fine" I said and I saw how they all relief because of it

"What is really happen in the house earlier huh?" Jihyo said

"I don't know, I just found her seating at the floor earlier with those cuts on her wrist" I said

Then they all sigh

And we look at the operation room and it's start to open and they start pulling the bed towards on the VIP room and we saw that she was still resting with a bandage on her wrist


I just staying here inside of the VIP room right now while looking at her who still sleeping that her right hand was at her tummy and her left hand was laid at her side that have a bandage

And the others was here and still waiting that tzuyu will awake right now

"We are not going to force you taehyung to remember your past" Sana suddenly said and it was made me look at them

"We all know the reason why she did this, because she already did this before but not cutting her wrist, but trying to kill herself" Jin said and it was made me look at him

"Tzuyu truly love you since Before, it's take one year before tzuyu move on that she thought you really died" he said again And I look at her again

"We thought that you are the guy who burn inside of the car that was going in the church that Time, because that time was your church wedding with her, that all of us was waiting for you but we found that your car found burning and it's suddenly explode with fire, and we saw how tzuyu looks like out of soul when she heard about it and she was inside of the church that Time..when it's burial, she didn't eat, she just staying on the coffin and just keep crying and we keep asking her and everyday asking her to don't be so harsh to herself that she won't eat, but she still didn't listen on us"

"I also told you about Sally and how tzuyu really broke that time and how she try to kill herself just because she think that you must really love Sally that much that she think you didn't remove Sally from your heart but the truth is you are afraid to show it to everyone..tzuyu tried to be a lady, tried to be like Sally, and she tried everything that you will like her also"

"Your mom died because of your dad, Sally died because of your brother, and tzuyu is there to save you from darkness and we are scared that you might also lose tzuyu, we all know how much tzuyu is so special to your heart even you didn't remember her" Jin said while looking at me and I just looking at her only and I didn't expect that there's a tears will came out from my eyes and stop dropping

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