Wingless Bird

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Well, last chapter wasn't exactly all sunshines and rainbows... And uhh, I'll prolly make it up for you, I promise... You trust me? No you shouldn't... >:p

1.8k words enjoy! and sorry for the wait!

Remember, the doge plushie is with you always! It will fight for you!


Six? Hello? What's going on? Where am I? Why is it so chillingly cold? his eyes squinted open to find himself lying on his back, and directly above him was a flickering light shining down on him. Mono turned his head and waved a hand in front of his face to block the light away. 

The moment he began to think, the memories of the past half hour flooded his mind. He saw it unfold again, the ramming against the locker, the shard through the waist, the cut of his throat. He screamed as he leaned up into a sitting position, clutching and rubbing his neck. Then his wails fell silent when he realized that the wound was no longer there. 

He took deep breathes and pulled up his clothes to see the other wound on his waist. But instead of a nasty gash, he found a scar. His fingers moved to trace it, he bristled at the prickly feeling. He soon noticed the one on his neck too, and the more he felt it, the more uneasy he got. It's a whole lot uglier than the other one, that's for sure. It's a good thing he couldn't see it.

As his eyes adjusted to the light, the contents of the room became clearer. Dread filled him as he realized what room he was in. He was back here... 

"No..." His voice came out in a whisper, he stood up and rushed towards the mountain of TVs in the middle of the room, each screen displaying a different cycle. "No, no. This can't be it... It can't be over yet..." There was no way around it, this place only meant one thing. He had failed again. 

Things were going too well, better than the previous cycles. He thought that this time would've been different, that it would be the cycle to end it all. But it was not to be... perhaps it never was. All of this was just pointless. Mono should have realized it from the beginning, all of this suffering is worth nothing. It always ends the same way. There never was a happily ever after, it's all just a sick joke people tell themselves to keep moving forward.

"I knew this would happen, why do I even bother anymore. I'm tired, I'm so tired... to hell with all of this..." Mono muttered, turning away from the mountain of TVs ambling through the room with no true destination in mind. For the first time, he had no idea what to do.

That's until the door in the back swung open on rusty hinges, a glitching figure stepped through, one he recognized immediately, Bart.

He looked around the room for a moment, his head glitching from one face to the next. Then as he saw Mono, he settled on a face that belongs to a girl with ginger pigtails, blood seemed to be smeared on her upper lip. "OH! Mono! You're finally awake! Welcome back to the land of the living." Bart cried, "How're you feeling, boy?"

Mono said nothing, he just glanced up and stared at those cold empty eyes of his, then tore his gaze away from them away and looked at his feet instead. I failed, I failed again...

Bart tilted his head, "Mono?"

"I'm sorry." Mono's voice was low and forlorn, "I can't do it... I can't. It's just too much, Bart. It doesn't matter how many times or how hard I try. In the end... it's always the same. I'm just sick of it... I'm sorry, you placed all your trust in me, you believed that one day I might free us from this place. But in the end, I was just useless. All I ever did was fail over and over again. If only you had someone stronger... If only it wasn't me... If only..." Mono sighed and sat on the floor, "What good is a wingless bird, Bart? It won't fly no matter how high you toss it... it's all just pointless." 

Togetherness? - Little Nightmares - Mono x SixOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora