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"Can I sit?"

Finnick's head lifted as he heard Katniss' voice. He nodded to her question she gestured to the other side of his cot in the bomb shelter.

After Peeta's warning, district thirteen had been stuck in the bunker as missiles were dropped above them. Everyone was trying to get sleep but Finnick couldn't. He was kept awake by his thoughts and worries.

Katniss noticed he had a small picture in his hand. It had both Lara and Annie in it, the girls clinging to each other in a goofy embrace.

"Snow is using them to punish you," she whispered, "He's taunting us with them. I didn't understand until just now watching that stupid cat."

She glanced back at where the kids who were still awake were messing with Prim's cat. They shined a flashlight on the wall to make it chase the beam.

Finnick didn't care to look over. He felt himself shaking and shuddering from the mere thought of what their loved ones were experiencing.

"After your first games, I thought the whole romance was an act. We all expected you to continue that strategy," he admitted, "It wasn't until Peeta's heart stopped and you knew he died that I knew I'd misjudged you."

He locked eyes with Katniss.

"You love him."

She turned away instantly, refusing to accept the truth that she denied.

"I'm not saying in what way...maybe you don't even know yourself. But anyone paying attention can see it."

She let out a quiet exhale and zoned out in her own thoughts, "How do you live with it?"

He wanted to tell the truth. He wanted to tell her how he wasn't living; what he felt was worse than dying. But he lied for her sake.

"I drag myself out of nightmares and there's
no relief in waking up.'s better not to give into it."

She glanced over and saw tears brimming in his eyes.

"It takes ten times longer to put yourself back together than it does to fall apart."

He scoffed and shook his head, "And trust me, I want to fall apart. Every time I see Lara on the screen a part of me dies. That part wishes that I could've saved her or traded places. That part wishes that she'd keep lying so that she could be safe."

Katniss turned to him slightly and placed a comforting hand on his knee. He sniffled and wiped at the tears that trickled down his cheeks.

"They're getting worse each time," he stated, "They didn't even bother hiding what they're doing to her; how much they're hurting her."

He turned to her and locked eyes. He was filled with shaken doubt and worry.

"He's gonna kill them, Katniss."

A choked cry slipped past his lips before he got up and stormed away. Katniss tried to reach out for him but he was already too far gone.

He'd kept going until he reached an empty hallway between the bunks and the command center. He paused and rested along the wall, glancing at the photograph still clutched in his hand.

That's how Gale found him. He'd been looking for the man to inform him of Plutarch and President Coin's debate. Once he saw Finnick, he called his name.

The latter looked up and followed Gale's gesture to come with him. Gale led them to the command center where everyone, except Katniss, was waiting.

"What's going on?"

He glanced around for someone to answer him. He locked eyes with Elias momentarily, seeing how the older Foraye didn't look pleased.

RUINATION | FINNICK ODAIRWhere stories live. Discover now