The Keddie Cabin Murders

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On April 12, 1981, in Keddie, California, the Sharp family, and some friends went to sleep inside Cabin 28 at the Keddie Resort Lodge. Sheila Sharp would wake up to find her mother, Sue, her brother, Johnny, and their family friend Dana Wingate brutally murdered inside the cabin while her 12-year-old sister, Tina, was missing from the scene. Sheila only escaped the murders by sleeping at a friend's cabin next door. Surprisingly, they found Sheila's two younger brothers, Greg and Rick, and their friend Justin Smartt, asleep in another bedroom inside Cabin 28 and safe. Tina's remains would be found by an anonymous tip, on the third anniversary of the murders. Her skull was found 50 miles away from Keddie in a different county.

There were only 2 suspects that the police examined: Marty Smartt and his roommate, Bo Boubede. Marty Smartt was married to Marilyn Smartt and they were parents to Justin Smartt. Marty was apparently an abusive husband. Since Sheila Sharp had just escaped an abusive relationship herself, there were reports that she was giving Marilyn some counseling. When Marty found out that Sheila was interfering in his marriage he reportedly "went ballistic." Soon after the murders, Marty left Keddie for Reno, Nevada. Law enforcement felt that the murders took more than one person to conduct which is why they took Bo Boubede into questioning as an accomplice. Bo Boubede was also an ex-con.

Despite there being so much more to the case, the investigation oddly stopped there. There was evidence that seemingly went unnoticed and people of interest that were not examined properly. The murderer of the Keddie crime has not been identified and the case remains unsolved.

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