Chapter 11

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Hey guys! Sorry I didn't add to the story in such a long time, I've just been very tired and strung out! I hope I'll be able to write another chapter soon, maybe in the next week! look out for me! (Also I know this is very very rough but it's not meant to make sense yet, I'll be editing it to my style after I finish it.)

Enjoy the chapter!

Adonis POV

Adonis stormed through the woods, racing towards the spot where he had met his mate.

He needed to feel close to her.

Adonis had struggled since she was taken, that much was obvious.

The council insisted that they would find her in no time, yet three years later here they are.

Adonis knew they were trying to manipulate him, because he was the last living Lycan.

Lycans are unable to die, unless the goddess chooses.

It is by her will they live.

Adonis had tried to defy that will multiple times after Mabel was gone.

Once he had jumped from the peak of a mountain and inhaled once he reached the water.

He had blacked out but a couple hours later he woke up on the shore with a new scar above his lungs.

He had tried to end his life once a month since Mabel was taken. Hoping one day it would work.

Often times his pack mates would find him on the ground next to his beloved bush with a gun or knife in his hands and a new scar.

Everyone knew but no one talked about it.

Sebastian had tried to confront Adonis on the matter. She had tried to be gentle with him.

This had led to an emotional breakdown on Sebastians behalf.

Adonis was impossible to deal with and didn't care for anyone's opinion when it came to his mental or physical health.

The pack people, mostly the elderly, prayed to the moon goddess to save their alpha from the anguish he faced. They hoped and prayed that they would not loose another Alpha to the pain of a lost mate.

Adonis lay next to the bush of his Mabel. Twirling a silver dagger in his hand.

His pack members would place candles around it and pray to the moon goddess every couple of weeks. They were desperate for a Luna.

Adonis made intricate designs on the floor with the dagger as he thought of the plan he had to set into action.

He was going to set it up perfectly so his Mabel would run straight into his arms.

The problem is, how.


Mabel stared off into the distance, sadness and heartache consuming her.

Penny let out a breath of air and sat against a wall while looking at Mabel as if she could figure her out.

Soter rubbed his hand up and down Mabels back, kissing her head from time to time- trying to calm her nerves.

"Wait who the fuck is Addie?" Penny said abruptly, looking at Oria for an answer.

"Her mate. Adonis Timor." Oria answered, a slight smile erupting on her face at the thought of her nephew.

Pennys eyebrows shot up in surprise.

"You're Luna Perdita?" Penny whispered curiously, scanning Mabel from head to toe.

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