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Gandhari's POV

Listening to all what Karna spoke, Gandhari had tears in her eyes.

She thought, "What more had I missed in my children's life. How much of their suffering have I failed to notice."

Duryodhan's POV

Listening to Karna's words, Duryodhan was having mixed emotions. On one hand he was really happy that someone understood his pain and sufferings, but on the other hand he was also shocked to know about his Mamashri's betrayal.

He started thinking about all the events of the past. From poisoning Bheema, to Varnavrat, every plan was made by his mamashri. Even when he protested against any of his mamashri's ideas, his mamashri convinced him with his words, and with the superb act of being his well wisher.

Back to Author's POV

Calming down Karna turned to Duryodhan and said, "Duryodhan, I always want to be your friend. But it's your decision whether you want to be my friend or continue on the path you are following, the path where your dear Mamashri is using you as a pawn to fulfil his own promise of destroying your family. As I can no longer see you fall. So either let me be your support and guide you towards the right path, or set me free and let me go"

Duryodhan was brought out of his thoughts by karna's words.

Hearing which, he spoke without any second thoughts, "No mitra, you need not go. I would always choose you over anyone else. You are the only one who have never betrayed me, you are the only one who understood me and you are the only one who have thought of my welfare even before your own. I trust you Mitra, more than myself."

Karna gave Duryodhan a smile.

Duryodhan then thought, if his mitra want him to be on the right path, than it becomes his duty to at least give it a wholehearted try."

With this in his mind he went to Draupadi, joined his hands and spoke, " If possible please forgive me Bhabhishri, I was too lost in my anger and humiliation, that I commited such a sin." He also made Dushshaasana appologize to her.

Draupadi who was too stunned at the current happenings was just able to nod her head Not knowing what more shocks would she be getting today.


During this entire time, Shakuni was fuming in anger beyond words on failing to stop Karna and continuing the Sabha. In his mind he was too close to fulfill his vow of destroying the kuruvansh. But all his planning and work went to the waste because of this SutPutra.

But listening to Karna's words he became nervous. His secret was out. And now he was not sure what to do. His bhanja, the biggest pawn of his master plan, was now out of his control. He cursed Karna and start to think of new plans to achieve his goals.

As all of this was happening, one question still remained in the minds of the elders, which was voiced by Mahamantri Vidhur. What would happen Now?

The same question was going through Duryodhan's mind as well.

Because of all the things which happened today, Duryodhan had won all the wealth of Pandavas, Indraprastha and all the pandavas themselves.

 Duryodhan initially did not want to give anything back. Since, he was raised in an environment where he got conditioned to hate Pandavas. Therefore , his initial instincts were to deny anything which were beneficial for the Pandavas.

But remembering his decision to follow the right path. He decided to  asked Karna what should be done now, as he did not want to do anything which can affect their friendship, and he trusted his friend's judgement. And so, he just looked at Karna to know his views on the matter.

Karna simply said, free them from this slavery for now. Rest we can discuss tomorrow in the court.

Duryodhan with a slight hesitation obliged.

Soon the sabha was dismissed.

As Karna was leaving the Hall, he heard a voicecalling his name.


Author's Note –

Whom do you think called out to Karna

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