peace conference pt.2

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Issei and kiana arrive at the room where the conference was located issei spots 3 people he hasn't met before

Azazel: ah it's the man of the hour issei hyoudou right? And who is the young lady

Issei: that's me, and this is my fiance kiana, who are you?

Azazel responds

Azazel: my name is Azazel, the leader of the fallen angel faction

Issei now getting his answer asks an question

Issei: so who's the guy behind you?

Azazel: his name is vali the white dragon emperor

Issei looks surprised

Issei: ist that right? Well that's cool and who are you guys?

A man and a woman with white wings look at issei, the man responds

Michael: my name is michael the leader of the angel faction and this is my sister  gabriel

Issei would look at them both and tell that they wouldn't hurt a fly unless they truly have to and the woman has a nice smile that gives off comfortable feeling

Issei: well now that I'm here let's get this meeting started shall we

Vali:you took down kokabiel, you dont  look like much

Issei would you stare at him and say

Issei: my actions speak louder and my words, does yours do the same?

Vali would look at issei and hmph'd and looks away

Sirzechs: alright let's get started, issei could you tell us what happened?

Issei would go on to explain saying that kokabiel wanted to create another great war and wanted to use his and serafall sisters as the catalyst, he and his comrade jalter would stop them and then they had found out some stunning information about the truth of god

Issei: we learned the truth about god dying in the great war but didnt tell anybody about it.

Michael and gabriel were thankful for the consideration and said this

Michael: the reason why we kept the death of god a secret form others is that it would make people lose faith and we would have to reveal ourselves to the non supernatural beings

Issei would understand the reasoning but azazel would ask him something

Azazel: how did you Defeat kokabiel I mean aren't you human?

Issei: I'm full human don't underestimate us.

Vali would ask a question

Vali: do you know where the red dragon emperor is?

Gabriel would also add on something

Gabriel: that's right we have a system that tells us when a sacred gesture is awakened but the boosted gear seemingly disappeared do you know where the sacred gear went?

Issei: yes I do know where the boosted gear is.

Vali: where?

Issei just gives off a smile

Issei: you are looking at him

The people in the conference room were shocked

Sirzechs: but that doesnt explains how it seemingly disappeared?

Issei: Draig fused with me that's where my dragon blood came from.

Vali would get excited and a another voice would be heard

Albion: so you fused with Draig how?

Issei would go on to explain that when he was a child a group of rogue fallen Angel's attacked him for his muramasa blades and because he was nearly dying he made a deal with him.

Issei: so technically Draig could be considered free but not at the same time. But he only gave me his powers and durability

Azazel: now are we ready to sign the peace treaty, we've all been saying for this am I right?

Sirzechs, serafall, michael respond

all: agreed

But before they could sign the treaty a voice could be heard

???: I object this so called peace treaty!!

A woman with tan skin with glasses could be seen flying her name was

Serafall: katerea what are you doing here?

Katerea would respond

Katerea: I'm here to claim my title from which you stole

Issei: so let me get this straight you mess up this whole treaty because you want a title? You are an idiot

Katerea: what did you say?!

Issei: you heard me, what are you going to do about it?

Katerea: I'll make you my slave, I'll at least grant you the privilege of that

Katerea prepared to attack issei but is cut off from a beam of light that grazes her face

Katerea: who did that?

Kiana: did you really think it was going to let you live after saying something like that?

Kiana appears right in front of her face and grabs her by the neck

Kiana: Die and be silent for eternity

Kiana makes a sword of light and stabs her through the gut and burns her from the inside

Vali: peace is boring

Vali tries to fight issei but was cut off when bikou appears infront of him

Bikou: its time to go vali

Azazel: vali what are you doing

Vali responds saying

Vali: sorry azazel but I like the thrill of fighting and I really want to fight issei someday so I'm joining the khaos brigade to have more fun

Azazel: I should have known

Vali and bikou disappears In a flash of light

Issei: so what now?

Sirzechs: we prepare for the khaos brigade, issei visit the underworld sometime millicas wants to talk to you and train with you

Issei: tell him I'll be there in a week.

They all disappear

Issei: well time to get to work, are you ready to go home kiana?

Kiana: yeah let's go

They flash away

A/N: I'm making another story that has issei with just martial arts and haki, he will have the kaioken but no vampire or dragons, he will have swords still

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