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Without Love, all worship is a burden, all dancing is a chore, all music is mere noise.

And With Love, everything is so beautiful. No one can explain it enough as no one can understand it fully, we can only feel.

"Are we there yet?" She asked clutching tightly onto Aaron's arms as she cannot see through the blindfolded on her eyes and fumbling on invisible hurdles. She knew she was secure in Aaron's embrace but this was still new and she was on her instincts.

Her golden saree hugged her on the all right places, but it was a pain to walk in it when she couldn't see a thing. Excitement bubbled in her stomach at every step, and she was very much eager to get rid of the blindfolded to see what was her surprise. She knew it had to be simple, intimate, romantic. Aaron was all these things and more and she just couldn't wait.

"Patience, We are almost there." Mia took a deep breath to calm herself. They walked some more until Aaron stopped, and she can feel the slight breeze and smell of grass, indicating that they were in an open area.

Aaron removed her blindfold, and she blinked a little before taking the scenery before her. She liked what she saw and murmured the same to her beloved husband.

They found themselves sitting across from each other under a wooden shed, decorated by soft flowers and curtains, fluorescent lights surrounding them, while they ate dinner under moonlight and stars.

It was the only shed in the vast open field which was surrounded by thick trees, and the rustling of the leaves and winds was the only sound they could hear which was a stark contrast from the loud traffic noises they hear in the city. It was exclusive, beautiful, perfect.

They opted for a silent meal, they were content in each other's presence that relevance of words seemed insignificant. But the feeling of belonging has heightened. Every touch, every glance had a meaning of its own.

Mia had come to identify this feeling of being in Love. It's completed on its own, but it take this beautiful form in the vicinity of Aaron, no matter what they are doing, every chore is amour.

After they finished, the settings were changed to bedding as the night approached, the curtains could be drawn closed but it would be a chilly night. Mia relaxed on the mattress laid for them as she took in the beauty of her surrounding. Aaron came in with a bunch of fluffy blankets and they settled beside each other.

Their conversation started with soft murmurs, as Mia asked him about his time when they were not talking, his work. Slowly they slid in the topic of what happened with Meera Ma, most of the misunderstanding has resolved, but they explained each other's point of view. Aaron had already forgiven her but asked that she communicate with him, no matter how hard the situation was and also apologised for behaving irrationally and ignoring her.

Mia wasn't angry or upset with Aaron anymore, so she did forgive him.

And they also left behind that one meeting with Sophia, because they both agreed that that didn't matter anymore.

They waited, as if to sync their heartbeats in that moment, before embracing each other. Mia closed her eyes as Aaron squeezed her lovingly. Time had seemed to stopped.

"Mia," Aaron called to pull her out of the lull she went into listening to Aaron's rhythmic  heartbeats.

"Hmm?" She responded snuggling more into him. He was warm, soft, safe.

"I have something else too."

"What else?" She sat up just a little so she can look at Aaron, his hair was messy, shiny blue eyes, and a small smile playing on his lips. He was truly beautiful. She leaned to just steal a kiss which Aaron readily gave.

When she drew back, Aaron had some papers in his hand. "What's this?" She asked eyeing the papers suspiciously. Was it even the time for paperwork? She gave Aaron a look of disapproval but he just smiled lazily.

"See for yourself." Aaron replied, so she took the papers from him and started skimming on the contents. She sat up properly and started reading more carefully realising that this was important.
She looked at him after reading the content and asking seriously once again, "What is this?"

"I sent your qualification and teaching experience to a University in New York and they selected your application for the recruitment." Aaron explained. "They would take your interview though before confirming." He added.

"But how?" She was astonished.

"I want to take you with me." Mia looked at him sharply, "Of course, only if you want. But not at the expense of your career, as we had decided. So, I thought this is a good option."

"Thank you. You don't know how important it is to me. But you know." Someone who thinks of her dreams and support them, this was the best present she has got. Aaron displayed that he care about the future, of both of them. For him together doesn't mean compromise, adjustment but understanding and effort. Yes, they had their share of wrong decisions, but which relationship didn't. It all comes down to how you approach and deal with them.

"You have time to decide, I am here until you do. I can always settle here, if moving away would be too much." Aaron kissed her forehead. Her heart was soothed. She wanted someone who can appreciate her ambitions but Aaron always surprises her by keeping her dreams first. He always demonstrated that every decision of them would be a mutual consent and commitment. Mia didn't want nothing more.

"I would love to come with you, Aaron. I love you."
A gorgeous smile adorned Aaron lips as she said this words. Her confession of love, she hadn't thought that it would be so without hesitation or guilt. But It was, and she was glad about that. Her feelings were pure and they were equally reciprocated.

"I love you too, Mia." He didn't often say her name but Mia shivered hearing him say it like that.

When they kissed, it was new without any barrier between them, their emotions flowed.

Mia realised in that moment that She was not afraid anymore.

She was not afraid of love,
And she was not afraid of being loved back.


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