Chapter Six

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   What you do today can improve all your tomorrows

                       – Ralph Marston.


I'm comfy. I have tasted luxury and I'm still tasting it. I snuggle the duvet over me and crawled under it. Last night was bloody while this morning is slow. I donated my precious blood. Since I didn't eat well yesterday, I got dizzy. Aaron took me to his house and ordered food from some five star restaurant. The food gave me joy. I slept like a baby and now, I don't want to leave the comfy bed.

I imagine my properties and belongings being thrown out of my shop. The thought makes my bones weak and discourages me from ever leaving the bed. Have you ever been served breakfast in bed? One of Aaron's cook did that. I ate in bed. It's a weird experience and I have fallen in love with it.

I roll over and my eyes goes up to the ceiling. It's neat and beautiful. The room is spacious. It's more than a cube. The interior decorations is exquisite. I love it. The color theme is purple and pink. I wonder why Aaron has a room that's filled with such color.

I sigh. I need to get back to reality. If I want this kind of lifestyle, I need to work. No food for a lazy man! I rise up and crawl out of the bed. My feet touch the cold tiles and sends a shiver up my spine to my fingers. I smile as the sweet aroma of the room rushes into my nostril.

I go to the bathroom and spend a good amount of time showering. It is when I'm done bathing that I realize I didn't make plans for my clothes. Last night, one of Aaron's female worker gave me clothes to wear to sleep. Now, I don't have clothes to wear out. I need to leave and say goodbye to the lifestyle that's not yet mine. I get dress in the same clothes, a black top and a pair of pajamas trousers.

I stroll out of the room and wander till I get to the bottom floor. That's when I spot Aaron clad in a suit, walking towards the main door.

"Aaron," I call out.

He stops in his movement and turns to my direction. I am still on the staircase so I scurry to him. "Good morning," I greet.

"That is if it's still morning," he says in a displeasing tone.

"Oh...ummm...What time is it?" I ask.

He lifts his left arm and pushed his sleeve to reveal his wristwatch. He rolls his wrist before he checks the time. "Twenty-three minutes after twelve. Good afternoon, woman!"

I roll my eyes. "Good afternoon, man"

He maintains a cold demeanor as he stares at me.

"What did I do?" I scoff.

"I went to the hospital today. I'll be heading to my office now. Don't you have anywhere to go?" he inquires.

"I do," I reply. "Just that....I don't have transport fare".

"I'll give you"

"Thank you!"

There is a slight change in his stern look. The corner of his lip quirk up and his eyes soften. "No! I should say thank you. You saved my brother's life. He is still unconscious but I'll ensure to tell him about his hero".

A large toothy smile crawls to my face. "I'm not a hero," I say. Just so I don't look cocky. "I am happy to help".

"How can I repay you?" he asks and shoves his hands into his trouser pockets. His tall figure towering over me. His eyes lowers at me and I'm the one lifting my head to meet his gaze. We are three steps apart and I dare not reduce that distance.

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