Sushi date

155 6 2


No one's POV

Ellis came running everywhere.

Hi hi hi hello cor cor

Hello Ellis it's good to see you again

Cormac stops Ellis

Careful you don't wanna get hurt do you.

Meredith smiled

I'm going to go put these in a vase.


Meredith POV

I went to put the flowers in a vase when I came back to the kitchen I saw Ellis sleeping on cormac's shoulder

I think she likes you

He nodded

I know I said we were going for dinner I didn't mean for it to be ruin by my kids I'm sorry.

Oh it's ok we can always reschedule or I take you to a late dinner. He said

I smiled at him for being so understanding.

Mommy can you order sushi as a treat for being brave for my surgery. He yelled from the other room I heard the others sush him

Sushi I guess. Cormac said.

15 minutes later.

The sushi came and cormac payed for it we are by the living room my kids got to know cormac better he said next he'll bring his kids I learned new things about cormac I could tell zola really liked him.

It was time for cormac to go

Okay guys let's say goodbye to cormac he has to go back to his kids.

Noooooo. They all said

Don't worry guys I'll be back soon.

With your kids. Bailey asked

Of course.

Bailey high fived him

Byeeee. They all said

Bye. Cormac said

I walked cormac to his car.

I'm sorry our date got ruined

It was nice spending time with your kids I would like to do it again

We hugged but he didn't let me go we were so close we kissed this one was different it was short and passionate.


I heard noise's I looked the other side and saw everyone out the door.

Cormac laughed. See you on Monday


He drove away I got in the house

What a wonderful night ended with a soft passionate kiss. Zola says

Bed now


Meredith and Cormac : SwitzerlandWhere stories live. Discover now