2. My Name is Konohamaru!

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The Next Morning...

Miyoko POV:

I can't believe it, tomorrow's the day we're getting our official sensei! I've been waiting for tomorrow ever since I joined the academy. The only part that worries me is that Sasuke might not be on the same team as myself! Nah, who am I kidding? Obviously they're putting us on the same team.

I couldn't even get any sleep this entire week. My nerves were getting the best of me. It was around 3:30 AM when I got out of bed, took a shower, brushed my teeth, made myself breakfast, all while Sasuke was still asleep. He isn't nearly as excited as I am. I left the compound as quietly as possible, figuring some early mourning training would get my mind off things for a little while.


It was now 7:00, I was on my way to the academy to get my official ninja picture taken. Man I hope I don't look too bad for my picture, but I took an extra long shower and threw on some fancy clothes I haven't worn in a long time, just for this moment, no way was I messing this up.

As I was lost in my thoughts I peer ahead and see Sasuke walking down the street by himself with his hands in his pockets. I quickly ran over to him and greeted him. He just continued on forward acting like I wasn't there. 'Is this because I didn't take him training with me this morning?' I thought to myself with my index and thumb pinching my chin, looking up at the sky. I quickly dismiss the thought when I see Sasuke walking way ahead of me, leaving me in the dust.

The Academy was finally in view, as we entered the building on the way to the roof where the pictures were being taken, I told him to go on without me, needing to go to the restroom. He gave me a simple nod and went on ahead, while I head toward the direction of the restroom.


I finally made it onto the roof, nobody else was here except for myself and the photographer. 'Where is everyone? Did I show up too early?' I ask myself. Thinking nothing of it, I go over to the chair infront of the photographer, taking a seat.

"Alright kid, whenever you're ready." said the photographer. As he was getting ready to take the picture, I gave the camera a closed eyed grin, trying my best to make it as genuine as possible. I didn't want my eyes to be shown because I've always hated how they looked, and especially for how people would look at me for my eyes, and not for who I am.

"Sorry kid, you gotta open your eyes for the picture." said the apologetic camera man. I pout slightly, "Do I really have to?" giving him a sad look. "Sorry, but those are the rules. Infact they actually implanted the rule this year!" he chuckled. An irk mark appeared on my clenched fist, 'You've got to be kidding me...' I thought as I slowly unclench my hand. "I guess it can't be helped."

I give him an obvious fake smile with opened eyes this time, he snapped the photo and motion for me to come see it. It looked good enough, I walked to where the exit on the roof was. As I was walking, deep in thought, I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turn around and was met with a horrifiying sight, "Boo!" shouted the strange figure. "AHHH!" I extend my arm to the sudden person "Almighty Push!" I shouted. The person flew into the wall of the exit.

As my vision cleared, I see as the person that scared the hell out of me was actually Naruto. "N-Naruto?? What do you think you're doing scaring me like that?!" I shouted angrily. "Sorry about that Miyo, I didn't mean to scare you that badly!" He said while rubbing the back of his head. When I finally calmed down, I noticed what Naruto looked like. "And what do you think you're doing with that paint on you?! Don't tell me you're actually taking your picture like that are you?" I asked him.

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