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Zalia traveled by horse with the two guards assigned to her. Which she has learned they didn't like talking. Or maybe they didn't like talking to her, which she understood since she was still a criminal in the grounders' eyes. They were getting close to the Underground, Zalia knew this road like the back of her hand. It was exciting to be back. She could already see the metal doors that led to the Underground when suddenly an undergrounder woman landed in front of them. Her helmet covered from the top of her nose to her hairline all around her head. She was pointing her rifle to the guards that were beside Zalia, but before they could get down their horses, Zalia spoke up. "Marian, lower your weapon. They're with me."

Marian hesitated but lowered her weapon. Zalia got down her horse and walked over to her, engulfing her in a tight hug. At that, Echo jumped off a tree and landed next to them, startling the guards once again. "I'm so glad you're back." Said Marian. Zalia looked at her and smiled once Marian opened up her helmet. She had watery eyes, and Zalia wiped away a few tears from her sister's cheeks. "I told you I was coming back." Zalia winked at her sister and kissed her cheek. Zalia moved towards Echo, to hug her as well. "Captain, it's great to see you again." Echo said to Zalia while she hugged her. The Captain smiled at her and nodded, silently thanking her for keeping an eye on Marian. "I'm happy to see you, Echo," Zalia said to her friend and warrior.

"Let's go inside, shall we?" Zalia was about to walk towards the entrance but Marian stopped her. "Z, Gunner and his team are inside. They're telling everyone that you helped the grounders lock them up and that the grounders murdered Johnson... the people.. the people are not happy, Z." Zalia nodded and walked to the entrance. The Commander's guards were following her, just like Marian and Echo.

When the Captain walked inside, the guards at the door bowed their head "Captain. Welcome back." they said. She nodded "Hey guys. Good to see you," she said and walked down the familiar stairs. Marian and Echo opened up their helmets since once the doors closed, they wouldn't be able to see anything with their helmets closed. Zalia reached the elevator and they all got in. A few seconds later, the doors opened and they were met with the main hall. Tables were placed all around the huge room. This is were people spent their time outside of work. Chatting, playing board games and watching their children playing and running around.

When Zalia walked out of the elevator, she could see the people looking at her. Many were bowing their heads in reverence, and others walked over to welcome her. Gunner could be heard addressing the hundreds of people that were gathered. "..that is why we have to fight! We cannot hide in fear. We have everything we need to survive right here, we just have to teach them that we will not be their slaves or their servants. We have to fight for our children. Captain Smith has proven that she's on their side, and we cannot tolerate that." Gunner kept speaking while Zalia moved closer to the commotion, her own guards were now removing the people that were standing in the way. Now it made sense why Gunner had basically let himself get caught. It was his strategy to try and overthrow Zalia.

Once the Captain reached Gunner, she said to the guards: "Arrest him." Many of the warriors that were nearby, moved to apprehend him, but his team stood beside him, silently declaring that they wouldn't allow it. Zalia raised her eyebrow at that and spoke up. "Oh, I see." She turned to the people that were gathered, and some of them looked mad at what was happening. "My dear people of the Underground, it is very nice to see you all once again. As you all know, I was captured by the grounders. And I have been in Polis for the past two months. But it was all part of my plan. My closest generals and I have been orchestrating this capture for months. Gunner knew that. He was aware of the plan. And still, he decided to blatantly ignore my direct order. I told him to retreat and let the grounders go since it was necessary for the plan to work. Yet still he decided to continue with his rebellion. That is why you and your team are under arrest, Gunner." The guards started by arresting the warriors that were surrounding Gunner, and then they apprehended Gunner.

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