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"That's what you want?" If I wasn't confused before I definitely was now. "You want me to be like your personal maid?"
"Not a maid. Wife." His lips quirked up at one corner as his tongue elongated the word of the role I would be potentially partaking. His hand resting cooly on the splint the hospital nurses had carefully tied around his body to support his injured hand. The pin was mightier than the sword it seemed.
"The last thing I would do for you would be a wife. Sorry not sorry." I say slapping the sandwich back down on the tray. Hunger suddenly dissipating like a child's happiness at a disappointing Christmas gift.
"Wait," he holds up his hand to pause my tantrum. "You haven't heard the best bit." There's a long pause.
"Well?" I huff impatiently.
"I will let you out of the cage. You'll have free roam of my home in return for your wifely duties." His face was suddenly smug. He knew full well that freedom was something I wouldn't ignore. That no one would ignore. But, if I'd learned anything from horror movies is that there's always a damn catch. I can't imagine Norman Bates here would let me roam freely without some kind of safety clause.
"And what?" He grins. There was one. I knew it.
"What's the catch?"
He takes a black collar from his jacket pocket and dangles it mysteriously on the end of his finger. Giving me this look that means that I should now know exactly what was in store for me. But I didn't. Not right away anyway. I didn't twig what it was until he said, "it's shocking!"
"A shock collar?" I grimaced. Staring at the piece of black cloth hanging from his grubby finger mockingly.
"Not just a shock collar. The doors and windows are attached with the same shock technology. You touch them and a few brain cells get fried. And I promise, it will hurt like a bitch." He chuckles, moving the collar onto his lap. "Do as you're told and we'll get along just fine." My eyes flick from his to the collar. At least if I'm out of the fucking cage I'd have a chance of getting out of here. He must have a phone somewhere in this maze of a house, right? Against my better judgement I nod, and he beams.
"Excellent Angelica."

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